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The cloaked figure separates itself into three and the hoods fall back. Before them stand three old women. Their empty eye sockets stare directly at each and everyone's eyes and makes them shiver. They suddenly feel weak and tired, they could curl up into a ball right there and stop breathing, it seems peaceful and awfully tempting.

"Fates" Hades bows his head and so does Persephone. The others take some time to process what Hades said but when they do they bow as well, albeit much lower than the gods

"We've come to see," the one on the right says she leans her head to the side and blinks over sunken eye sockets, only the middle fate has an eye which is fixed directly on Carlos

"We have to be sure," the one on the left croaks

"That we have enough string" the middle one finishes she pulls at her robe and a string appears, it's black and white just like Carlos's hair. It doesn't stretch very far barely three inches long. It's a bit frayed as if reflecting his condition, it makes Victoria's stomach clench in fear.

"It's not often that a mortal tries to cheat the Fates" the one on the right purrs and makes the shiver once more "none have ever achieved it"

"Many have tried" the one on the left drones "and have failed in the end, we've never had to make more string"

No one talks and they all turn and stare at Carlos who has the vial in his hands. He stares at the potion before him knowing what the odds are. He looks up and smiles at all of his friends before downing the liquid in one swing. Evie turns to look at the string which remains the same length, but looks stronger and thicker.

"Just as we saw" the middle one croons "just right" she cackles softly and let's go of the thread which melts back into her robes

"I don't understand" Evie says stepping forward "why didn't the cure work?" the three fates stare at her as if bewildered at having a mere mortal question them, without saying a word they turn and melt back into the shadows from which they came.

"Zeus!" Evie yells angrily "Poseidon! You've cheated us!" The sky rumbles but Hand hold up a hand to it and the sky calms down.

"I just," Evie sniffs and wipes angrily at her tears "I don't understand" she turns to Hades who has a hard look on his face, everyone turns to him dumbstruck, there's only one thing going through all of their heads.

The cure didn't work.

Victoria can't believe it, all of their hard work, the days of sailing, making impossible deals with literal gods and for what? Not even an inch on Carlos's thread of life. It's not fair.

No one moves or speaks. They all just stand and stare dumbfounded at Hades waiting for him to give them an explanation, anything, any hope they could possibly hold on to. The only one crying and screaming is Evie. It's as if she's absorbed everyone's emotions and is the only capable of letting them out.

Finally Carlos walks to every who's kneeling before Hades, he puts a hand on her head. Evie looks up and he smiles down at her

"Everything's going to be okay" he says quietly. That's the breaking point. Jane lets out a cry of utter desperation it scares the gods themselves. She falls to her knees and cries her eyes out as she screams curses and incoherent things at the earth, at the sky, at the gods.

Everyone else starts to break down as well. Their eyes fill with tears and Lonnie cries as she kneels down to Jane and comforts her friend. Jay cries so hard his hands shake. He can't even move he just stares at Carlos, it's not until Mal places a hand on his shoulder that he's able to turn and bury his face in her neck as he cries. Mal holds him so tight Victoria is sure it hurts, her knuckles are white as she grips his jacket and bury's her own face in his neck and cries with him

Descendants 4Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon