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As we walked along the corridors hand in hand, all heads turn in our direction. I feel guys trying to intimidate me with their presence, and I think coming here was a bad idea. Honestly, I felt like a poor goat in between so many hungry wolves. Just as I was having second thoughts about this place, Orhan took me by surprise. He scooped me up and continued walking, leaving me embarrassed. I could feel his presence dominating every boy around. Not a word or stare came about from them as he yomped to his room. God! I should really think about my weight shooting up. I must be heavy for him to carry. Let me apologize to him about that once we reach the room. Why is it taking so long?

It was only a 2 minute walk from the gate to his room, but fell like 2 hours. I saw boys glancing at us for a minute, only to turn around when Orhan glared back. He looked so handsome when he was angry. For the first time since we met, I saw his face this close. He had a razor-sharp stubbly jawline, piercing eyes, steep nose, nitid lips because he had licked them twice since we came here. His aura was intense, his look, jeopardizing. I didn't notice we were already inside his room till he gently put me on my toes. Adjusting his hair, he kept looking around the room, while I kept gawking at him like an idiot. I didn't even bother to straighten my hair or clothes.

"Do you need anything to eat or drink?" he asked, breaking me from my trance.

"Ummm Hmmm." I nodded like a silly girl.

"Err...I just ask because that is what you all do when you invite someone over..."

Why? What? What does he mean 'you invite someone over'? Don't they do at their place? Oh shoot! He comes from a...a...not-so-rich background. May be they don't invite guests there. Silly me. This is getting awkward, he and me...just staring into each other. Think of something Ley...think of something! You cannot possibly stare at him for the rest of the night.

"When do you sleep? I mean...when do you have dinner?...before sleeping..." maybe I need to sleep. My slippy sloppy tongue. Ugghh! I made a fool of myself.

"I don't sleep." He said with a smirk. Hmmm...he is good at teasing.

"So do you keep up with an energetic performance?" I asked with a coy.

"I was born with it." He answered just like that.

" you were..." before I could complete my sentence, I was pick up by the butt and pushed against the wall on my back. Oh Good Lord! Save me tonight!

"In a hurry, aren't we?" he smirked again.

In a gust of wind, we were on the bed. I hadn't realized that he also had a roommate. There were two beds in the room. The other bed had tons of books, a laptop and towel, eww...who puts a towel on the bed? And, there were undergarments too, quite disgusting to my view. What if his roommate arrives any minute and happened to see us like this? Not that we're indulging in something...well...but still. So I decided to ask Orhan about it


"Hmmm hmmm..."

"Do you share this room or stay alone?"

"Where is this question coming from...?"

"Just in case...if someone happens to walk on us doing this..."

"Doing what? You smell so nice...Ummm"

"Don't change the topic...HAHA..." He started planting kisses on the nape of my neck. Then continued doing so to till he reached my lips.

"You look like an angel, Leyla...Mnnn..." he continued to kiss my neck, again.

"And you look like a devil Orhan! AHAHA..." the more I would say something, the more he would plant tempting kisses. Entangling my legs on his lower back, he came closer to me.

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