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"Ooohhh! His eyes are very very naughty!" asservated Amine gazing at the photo of Orhan on her phone screen, earning a puzzled look from the 2 of us.

"What? I mean you are not into him...besides... his body is hot as Sahara desert. I wonder if he has 6, or 8 packed abs!" she exclaimed like a little birthday girl, imagining what kind of a doll house her daddy will be buying for her. Amine had lost it. And not to mention; we still had the puzzled look on our faces.

"Ugghh! Stop looking at me like Murat. I swear I will beat that son of a..." she left the sentence half way as she realized what she had just disclosed to the bitch of her friends, as our then puzzled faces changed to amused ones. Giving each other a sly smile, we cocked our bitchy faces at Amine to let her into spilling the beans.

"I hate my damn mouth! Why can't it stay shut when not needed!" she exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air. The both of us still sitting like hungry cats for the juicy details.

"Will you 2 stop looking at I just confessed to being a witch!" she won't get it, but we think she definitely bewitched Murat- the handsome hunk.

Apparently, Murat was other talk of the college. He had a clean, trimmed moustache, girls fell for. What kind of a girl falls for something as hairy as a moustache? He was Yassir's best friend and his confidante, after Omer. Instead of running behind girls, he ran behind gathering sports cars- that was his love, as per his bio on Instagram. Hitting the gym regularly, he would train for hours to get the aesthetic body that he imagined all the time. So, he got no time to fool around with girls who would die to have a photo with him. I mean, you get a good fan-following and ample of likes when you get clicked with a hunk, right? Well, now Amine mentioning about him looking at her with...focus, was definitely something big. Come on girl speak up.

"Hmmm...Murat...Amine and Murat, ships to Muramine...that's not even matching!" Gulfem explained sarcastically, upon which both of us gave a cold look to Amine, and then burst out laughing as if we had inhaled nitrous oxide. That's the laughing gas! We kept laughing until our cheeks hurt. The sight which wasn't worth watching to Amine. After our stomach began to hurt, we crashed on the bed behind, still laughing. Our voices sounding like that of a cackling witch. Amine gave us the most frightful look, but we kept cackling like the indecent bitches we were. She kept looking at us with a stern look, but being the girl number 3, she joined us in the bitch party. And, then we kept laughing like drain, until all the laughing gas was eliminated from our bodies.

" guys getting along well...tell us about it...all of it!"

"We were actually discussing about you and Yassir..."

"What about us? I mean how are we involved in this?" I asked alarmed by the mention of Yassir.

"Well...Murat told me Yassir had been deciding so long on asking you out, but he wasn't sure how you would react to told Murat and then Murat approached me last month at the jewelry exhibition, Mrs. Şentürk organized. That's how we met."

"And you didn't care on telling Leyla about this." Questioned Gulfem.

"I wanted to, but they made me promise to keep it hidden from everyone. Not even Yassir's group knew."

"So why didn't he approach me?" I asked with elated on hearing that Yassir wanted to ask me out.

"Because Kaya didn't wanted out. She clung on to him and kept an eye on his moves. Murat even told me she planned on tarnishing your name at college, because she knew Yassir had something for you. He was protecting you."

"So that means what I saw yesterday was a part of Kaya's ploy into making me believe Yassir was playing with my feelings?"

"Yup. That's right. Murat and had a discussion on that. Leyla...Yassir has been distraught since you walked out of him. Whatever happened wasn't his doing."

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