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The match was over with a fantastic goal-over. Everybody enjoyed the fun-filled one man show, and soon, it became the talk of our college. 'Newbie speeds past Yassir to win the match single-handedly'. That was the trending post on the news page, which was a part of our college's portal. It was the same where we read about Kaya and Yassir's break-up too. Quite juicy website, isn't it? The new boy's photos were circulated in several girl groups with hashtags such as: #spicynewbie; #endofYassirthehottie; #coolestnewbie; #beckhamin themaking; and rest discussed his physique. In less than an hour, the college was flooded with name of the latest sensation, Orhan . But, where was he now?

Apparently, the news didn't go well with Yassir. He became hell-bent on giving Orhan a piece of his mind. But needless to say, Orhan was quiet definitely something. He seemed to be someone who could stood up to Yassir, when Yassir was the only boy in the campus who remained unmatchable till date. I have never seen Yassir so angry before. His ego was more fragile than a rose petal. After the match, he went straight to the locker room, the one we had been in the morning. Finding him sitting on the bench befuddled, I decided to walk up to him. He looked lost, so I sat beside him in order to cheer him up a little bit. Not knowing what to say, I kept caressing his hand as I leaned onto his shoulder. He didn't react. I noticed there was no one in the room except the two of us. Man, they were terrified of Yassir! After a moment of silence, I spoke to lighten the air around.

"That was awesome. You and the boys did an awesome job on the field..."I said still leaning on his broad shoulder. No reaction from his side.

"It's okay if you missed was just a game not a match..."

"It's not okay! Every game is a match, and till date I have never missed a goal, neither as a captain nor as a wicket-keeper."

"What I mean is you can try next time. May be you're tired...come on, let's have coffee. I owe you Sunday's." I said as I popped my head up from his shoulder, looking at him. As I sat a little far from him, I realized he was an over-thinker, just like me. I tried to brush his hand. Still, no reaction.

"You are the best. The new boy..."

"The new boy is the problem. There was no he could have won that kick."

"You are being childish, Yassir. It was just a game."

"That wasn't just a game, dammit!" he said banging the locker hardly, taking me by surprise.

"You don't get it. If someone outperforms you, you lose your name. How will you know? You were always the unnoticed girl."

As soon as those words left his mouth, I was stunned beyond imagination. Did he just call me that? And, then realization hit me. He was just flirting with me. How could I slip for his deceiving words? The spindle of woven lies. Indeed he dated only popular girls. I was the popular girl now, may be for few days till the trip is a fresh memory. Tears welled up in my eyes as I felt my heart broken into little pieces. A hundred of them. May be if I had still worn the bitch cloak, I would have saved myself this heartbreak and embarrassment. As I began walking away from him, he saw me.

"Leyla, I didn't...Leyla...Leyla wait. I didn't mean that." He continued calling my name as I ran away from his treachery. Thief who stole my heart. I continued to run until I reached the corridor. I could still hear him calling my name. And then, he appeared.

"Hey, hi. I'm new here. Can you show me the way to administrator's office? I just need to..." he spoke with calm demeanor.

"Sure. This way..."

"Are you crying? Hey, look up...what happened?"

"It's...its nothing." I replied never meeting his eyes.

The DJINN who LOVED MEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora