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The history class went on and on until 12:30, and we were bored to hell. Pfft! nobody informed us beforehand that Miss Nilufer would be conducting 2 lectures! Had it been so, we would have done some more shopping. Uggh! We ran like crazies for this boring lecture. Okay, don't give me a questioned look. Today, Miss Nilufer was discussing about philosophies and philosophers, and...I don't remember, sorry. And, more or less, I wasn't comfortable attending today's class. You know...Yassir had been giving me a hard look, whenever I was exchanging pleasantries with Orhan. I kept showing my teeth to him whenever he looked at me.

"So everybody has to study this part for the mock test I shall be conducting next week. My day after tomorrow's lecture will be taken by Mr. Deniz, since I won't be available. And, class, don't forget about your assignment. You have to submit that by the end of this month. Good luck."

And, suddenly the class went pin drop silent at the mention of 'assignment'. I guess than no one has started working on it, me including. As soon as Miss Nilufer exited the class, there was fuss on what has to be put and what not in the assignment. I already told you it carries grade for this semester, so it's important. Oh! And coming back to my exchanges with Orhan, he is id of very cute. I like his smile when he mouthed me "your teeth look like pearls" after I kept stretching the yatch of my mouth. I might have been looking like a joker all that while.

After most of the class had 'gone out' I decided to approach Orhan. With my girls still in sight for moral support, I traipsed my way to him. Till date, I had never approached a boy to ask for a way, gifting someone and that being some stranger, I mean it's been only 24 hours or even less since I met him. But he had been nice to me all along, so I must not back out. Glancing at my girls for the go signal, I finally went ahead. Orhan had been gathering his belongings, books mostly. He still carried that gunny bag of a thing to college. Finally he shall be having a nice bag.

"Ummm...Hi, I am..."

"Leyla. Yes, we met the other day. How are you today?" he completed the sentence before I could. Wow! That was fast.

"Good..." was all that my brain could process at that minute.

"I am Orhan by the way. Nice to meet you." He said taking my cold hand in his. Actually, I should have brought my hand first to shake like we are encouraged to whenever introducing ourselves, but me, never mind.

"I brought you, I mean I want to gift you a token of gratitude for what you did for me yesterday. I hope you like it"

"Thank you." He responded as he took the bag from my hand, grazing my hand in the process. This bag is very beautiful, just like your smile." He complimented.

And for the next few seconds, we kept looking at other, just like that as if we had all the time in this world. I don't know, but I felt a connection, like we know each other already. All this while, we had been so lost into each other that we forgot about the fumes increasing the atmosphere. No I'm not talking about our chemistry. I'm talking about the fumes of jealousy. Yassir had been watching us from afar and he didn't look very pleased. So to let him burn even more, I went ahead and pecked Orhan's cheek gently. He was taken aback just like Yassir. And, I was happy as a clam to see Yassir burn I jealousy. My girls gave me a 'good going' look. They despised Yassir from the start.

"Where are you going now?" Orhan asked, breaking the air of anxiety in the room.

"Nowhere nowhere! But why?" ran Gulfem with a glee towards us.

"Actually we have a free lecture now, and then...different lectures." Chimed Amine.

"Different lectures?" asked Orhan with a confused look.

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