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Sneaking like a robber in a bank locker, I made my way slowly, tip-toeing through the door number 3. He was right, there was lesser security in here, compared to a battalion of them at the other two gates. Maybe because, very few people knew about this gate, and that it opens to the prayer area inside the science building. To be honest, nobody visits the pray area unless it is Friday, or late to the college. This way provided a shortcut to reach the labs and locker room as well.

The plus point I had about sneaking through the way was the science lab, that was underground and hidden, as I would like to speak of it. Most of the science students were allowed inside the building and lab only when they had their proper, validated identity cards. No cards, no permission, no practical. For lectures, we mostly had to visit the auditorium in the main building for their feasible smart board and authentically computerized sitting arrangements. By feasible, I mean about the teaching aid and technology, which not only had attached tablets in front of our seats and the back too, but also biometric to get inside. This actually helped in tackling theft, attendance and participation. So, every time we had a lecture there, which was most of the times, we had to validate our fingerprints and cards. That was done every month at the head office.

I had managed to cross the lane that was heavily guarded by the forces. All his time I had been praying about not been seen by them or worse, shot! Imagining myself lying in a pool of blood with parents and others mourning, was not something I wanted to be a part of. Besides, I had sneaked out of the living room while the elders kept debating about Yassir's betrayal to this family, not me. The only sin of not informing them kept their nerves, especially his father's, high and inflammable. Not that he even actually cared about his son, his mother didn't spoke of it either, making the whole family drama futile, and baseless of what they chided each other and my parents for. Why did I have to say it in the first place!


My phone rang just when I was cursing myself for being a sloppy tongue! Ugh! This sea of misfortune never stops. Quickly, I silenced my phone and kept it outside on the table. I might be needing it God knows why and when. And, I forgot my torch back home, so the flashlight might come handy as well. Thankfully, I had kept my phone on charging, so that would be an added benefit, in case I needed to use any laptop or computer in there. Before I could search for any of the modem, my phone vibrated with flash. Who is it now! I promise to hammer their skulls if it is not that important...To my surprise I saw it was a face time. None other than my girls had been trying to reach me for the fourth time. I didn't bother to check my phone while it was ringing when I was with err...I forgot his name, while I was on the scooter. It rang twice then, and now it already rang once before. Contemplating between the option of whether should I take it or not, I finally decided to go for it.

"Hey Leyl! Where have you been!" shouted Gulfem.

"Dude! Your parents have been asking us about you! What are you up to?" came along Amine.

"We have been warned against helping you..." inserted Gul.

"Which puddle did you get yourself into, this time!" Oh Amine, what can I say...

"You went after Yassir! We thought you were over him!" As if Gulfem...I rolled my eyes.

"Alright! Alright! One question at a time girlies! Firstly, I did not tell them about coming here. Secondly, I am not here for him. And, third most important, I am not over him, not now at least!" I puffed my chest while declaring this unusual. Hope it goes well here, at least.

"You came here...for whom, then?" Amine asked, expressionless and crooked. That looks scary.

"What do you mean I am not over him, not now at least? Is this the time to fool around, and with someone as Yassir? What are you! A dumbass or a moron?" Gul was definitely not happy, and so was Amine. Does that mean I made a wrong decision coming here for him?

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