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I woke up feeling dizzy. The curtains were pull-apart with windows tight shut. It seemed the day was ending as I felt utter stilly. Gathering some strength, I tried to find my phone. After a 30-second of not being able to find it, I began a frantic search. I can live without a heart, but my phone, no. If it's not on my room, may be mommy took it. I need to find it ASAP. I want to know how things between Yassir and Kaya are. Did they really break-up? And what reason were they talking about? Was it because of me? I had too many thoughts running through my mind. And, I needed ANSWERS!

After a minute of desperate phone search, I went towards the window. Peering outside, I saw it was still dark. So I guessed it should be past evening time. My wall clock had stopped working just two days prior to the start of college. So, it already knew my bad time had arrived! Never mind. At least I got to be in his arms for less than a minute. I had been dreaming about his strong hands and piercing eyes. How he kept looking at me with fondness and...Wait! He had fondness for me! May be that's why he broke up with his stupid girlfriend. Oh! Not stupid actually. She is rather astute, and pawky, and sardonic too! Forget it. I need to find my phone, NOW!

Tip-toeing down the stairs slowly, I heard some noises with my name!

"I don't think Leyla should go on that trip. I mean she had so much already. Besides she need to rest. This is not a good time, especially if she sees that message." I heard my father say.

"But Uncle, she was really excited for it. She won't take a no for anything." Said Gulfem.

"I agree with Gul. Kaya has already been behind her ever since Yassir came in her life. She has always been insecure about Ley. Uncle, aunty, please do let Ley down this time. We want to go to Nemrut park, at least this time together. She already missed so many trips because of Kaya." Pleaded Amine.

My girls have always been my backbone. Though they always pleaded with my parents to let me go on trips with them, I could never go on any especially after the 6th grade. Before that, we went on every visit, whether to a park, a resort, educational trip, camp...but it changed since, I met with an accident on my trip in the 6th grade, which nearly killed me!



In my 6th grade, we were taken to a resort after our final exams. We always got a party after our final paper. This year, instead of throwing a party, they decided to take us to Mermaid Resort!

It was a newly opened resort near the Eymir Lake. Small but beautiful. I remember discussing with Amine and Gulfem about camping near the lake, if our teachers permitted, obviously! We were to board a luxury bus at our school at sharp 4 pm. The details of the trip and travel protocol was already put up on the notice board a week ago. All of us were really excited, since it was the first time we were taken on a trip instead of a party! What was even more exciting was that it would be an overnight stay! YAY! I had already packed 2 fat bags. One of the bag had my personal belongings: a sweater, jumpsuit, a hat, sunscreen, goggles, lip balm, sanitizer, wipes, 2 towels (one extra in case), a shirt-dress, and my mobile charger. The other bag had...well...munchies! To munch all the way! I always carry my own food, mainly because I was a fussy eater and did not eat everything like others. I hated tomato sandwich especially also the one with potatoes and tomatoes. Instead, I ate 3-cheese sandwich. Yes! As the name suggests, it has a combination of cheddar-parmesan-mozzarella cheese with pepper, oregano and basil. My mommy started making them since she saw my dislike for other sandwiches, and I have been eating them still now! So, the three of us planned to meet at Amine's house, from where our parents would be dropping us at school, together! At the end moment, Amine's daddy had an urgent business, so the plan was changed to our parents dropping us to school, like usual. I felt terrible about it because Amine's daddy would always bail out on something important as that on last moment. My poor baby Amine.

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