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"Tuesday first...Geology...second History..."

"We are together again!"

"What...!" I exclaimed and turned around to see Yassir, grinning mischievously.

"I mean, we are together for History, again. And for the rest of the year, too." Saying so, he tapped my nose for fun.

"Yeah right, very funny" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

Yassir and I have been friends for long, and we still loved skylarking, just like we used to do as a kid. Nothing changed, except my feelings for him. And for the sake of our friendship, I decided to keep it as it is.

"Let me see your time table Ley-Ley...I am sure I can help with that"

He called me Ley-Ley and that was very sweet of him. Studying my time table, he took his own and began to inspect it.

"Okay, so we are meeting every day, except for Saturday. Wow! You actually have only two lectures on Saturday. That means you can take off and go out!"

"Hmmm, hmmm... Good for me then. I can stay back home and study"

"Nerd", he face fisted me gently. I wanted him to continue. He handed me my time table.

"Yassir, there you are baby", Kaya said dramaturgically or rather histrionically. She tried to kiss him on lips, but landed on his cheek instead, as he turned his face.

"Kaya. How many times do I need to tell you not to kiss me with those red lips! It leaves a red blotch of your lipstick"

Yassir clearly hated her actions. But they were together, why? It was hard to think about it.

"Oooh! Look whose here. Leyla! Are you trying to steal my boyfriend? You despo"

How dare she!

"What no! We are friends, aren't we Yassir?"

But Yassir didn't say anything. Why wouldn't he say something? It wasn't like I was a man-snatcher.

"I know girls like you. Super nerds. They don't get noticed by anyone, so they try to steal other girls' boyfriend. Go and find someone of your kind. Let's go baby. We are getting late"

Bitch. Her insults were not heartrending. What was more shattering was that Yassir choose to keep his mouth shut even though his bitch of girlfriend kept slandering me. Maybe all boys were loyal to their girls or maybe he judged me like Kaya too- A Nerdy nerd.

In all this, I forgot about my class! I need to hurry. So, I practically just ran off that place but forgot where I was heading to. As I stole a glance at my time table, I realised it was Yassir's! He must have handed it to me by mistake. I decided to hand him his time table in the History class.

"Leyyylllaaaaa! There you are!" A sudden shrilling sound caught me off guard. I turned around to see my monkeys running towards me. Get ready for some quick answers Ley.

"Leyla, your mother told us you left early today. Why didn't you tell us? We could have come with you too", complained Gulfem.

"Ummm...I wanted to return this books and borrow another, and I had some work too"

"Yeah, must be the assignment. Did you complete it?" asked Amine, fluttering her lashes.

"No, I am not giving you my hard work. Not this time"

Last time I gave my project to them, they photocopied it, and the three of us ended standing out of the class for the whole lecture. That was in school. But I cried like a baby, and the teacher had to console me, leaving aside her teaching for the day. After that I vowed, never to give my assignments to anyone. It is my hard -sweaty-not sleeping at night-work.

The DJINN who LOVED METahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon