Chapter 14: They love my voice

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Mackenna's POV

Weeks passed by and I finally got used to how things worked around here. Dave was good to me.

We got along perfectly, but I held back trying not to get attached to anyone else. I don't know when Blake will show again. Which actually has me worried because I haven't heard anything from him since my birthday.

"Order's up!" Dave shouted, ringing the little bell I got for him. It's one of those bells you get someone for their birthday or something that read 'Ring for food'

"You know, I got you that bell so you don't have to shout anymore Dave. You nearly gave everyone a heart attack at least four times since they entered." I laughed.

"Don't mess with me girly, they love my voice. Don't you?!" He shouted and cheers erupted all through the diner.

"Thanks again girly, don't know what I would do without you."

"Don't thank me, it is the least I could do for you showing me kindness all those days ago when I walked in here."

I later found out that the old lady was his mother but sadly she passed away two weeks ago because of old age.

Dave wanted to shut the diner for three whole weeks because of to much grief he had to bare, but I told him not to worry because I will run the diner for the time being.

He was hesitant because I was still kind of new but approved anyway. He hasn't stopped thanking me since then. He came back yesterday tired of being alone I guess, but he told me otherwise.

'Want to get back to annoying you' he said.

Working here was truely amazing. I finally had my own life, no one to depend on and Blake hasn't bothered me, Jonathan didn't know where I am. I must admit I do miss my mom. A lot I might add.

I was thinking about getting myself a phone, and I planned to do so this afternoon since it was saterday, I got off early.

I finished my work at the diner and headed off towards the shopping centre. I remember the little phone shop from when Dave gave me a tour of our little town. He even introduced me to some people and by some I mean almost the whole town since it is so small. Everyone knows everyone here.

I got to the shop and saw Patricia behind the counter.

"Welcome to Pat's phone, how may I help you?"

"Seriously? You still greet everyone like that?" I laughed and she started to laugh too.

"I have to, my dad said it is nice manners." She giggled.

"Even when you guys know everyone?" She nodded and I just laughed shaking my head."But to answer your question, I want to buy a phone please. "

"Ooo finally, the girl isn't libing in the 1800's anymore. What kind of phone?"

"What kind do you have?" I asked and she took out all the phones she said was 'in stile' for 'this century'.

I picked a phone, and she got everything ready for me. She even gave me her number because she wanted to be the fist person on my phone. I just laughed and thanked her than started making my way home.

Walking on the side walk I saw a black SUV following me. I've never seen this vehicle here before so I got sceptical. I didn't head home straight away but made a little detour. A few streets and turns the SUV was still following me. I started walking faster.

I made my way past the diner and saw Dave still in there so I rushed in and closed the door behind me.

I wad still lookingousode but saw the SUV driving past the diner in full speed. "Whats wrong?"

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