Chapter 15: Liar

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Mackenna's POV

I stormed into Jay's office and saw him sitting behind his desk busy with some paper work I presume.

"Mac, so nice of you to join me. What can I do for you." He said in a very polite tone which just made me angrier.

"How did you know where I was? How did you find me?"

"So impatient."

"Jonathan just tell m-"

"Mates." Thats all he said before he got up and left me in his office.

I ran after him trying to stop him for some answers. You don't just tell someone something withou the rest of the information.

"Jonathan. What did you mean by that?"

"Leave me alone Mac."

"No. Not without answers. My whole life is nothing but secretes and you withhold information. I'm sure you didn't just waste resources because my mom and Jenna asked you to."

"Just leave it Mac."

"No! What don't you want to tell me?" He stopped in his tracks and turned around raising his hand as if wanting to say something. But he didnt say another word.

He dropped his hand and turned around. His back facing me again. "Go speak with your mother. Patch things up with her. That's all you need to think about right now." And he walked away.

"I though you wanted to make amends, liar!" I shouted after him.

"That was before you left!"


I stomped my way over to where my mom is staying for the time she is here and saw the door was already open. I knocked on the door and heard a faint 'come in' from the inside.

I walked in and saw my mom sleeping on David's lap. I showed me to keep quiet and waved me over so I was sitting across from them.

"I'm so glad you're back. Soph hasn't been the same since you left. She sulked all the time."

"Now that I'm back she doesn't seem happy either."

"It's just because she's hurt that you left. You must understand that because of our daughter, Luna, Soph has become more protective of you. You are like our daughter now."

"You hardly know me, how can you feel this way?" I asked surprised that he also sees me as his.

"Those few days you were at the pack I got to know you perfectly and your mom told me so much things about you. I don't know if you knew this already but once a werewolves take a pup under his/her wing their mate feel that connection to the pup that his/her other half love and adores."

I felt a warm feeling I've never felt before. The feeling of being loved by both your parents. I can't remember my biological parents but I'm happy to say that I have real parents right in front of me.

"Thank you so much." I started to tear up. At that moment mom decided to wake up. When she saw my teary face she instantly embraced me into her arms and I have never felt more at home before. And thats when it hit me. Home isn't a place, it's the people who you care about the most that's your home.


'Se my voel jy die genade! Oh, voel jy die genade ' My ringtone started. It's an Afrikaans song I love after I heard it playing at the diner. Dave actually is an Afrikaans South African that moved here to 'bring home to South Africans away from home'

When I heard my ringtone go off I answered my phone and instantly took it away from my ear. Dave was shouting at me asking where I was.

I totaly forgot about them! We were suppose to have breakfast today but I didn't show.

"Where the hell are you? I am at yout apartment but you didn't answer. Mary is worried sick because I told her about the SUV and she freaked when you didn't show."

"Dave. I'm fine. Remember when I told you about my problems at home? The SUV was a family member's and he came to bring me back last night. You really don't have to worry about me. I'm fine. I'm safe."

"Lister here girly and listen well. You don't just leave without telling anyone where you're going. Even if your friends came to get you."

"I'm sorry Dave, I really didn't mean to but they insisted that I come back. There was a uh, there was a family emergency and I'm afraid I can't come back. I uh have to take care of my great aunt, yeah. She is very sick and I'm afraid I have to stay."

"So you're not coming back? At all?" I could hear the disappointment in his voice and it broke my heart.

"I'm afraid not. I'm so sorry Dave, but I will come and visit when it's possible, I promise."

"Well then. Take care girly. We will miss you a lot. You better call us, if not I'm coming for you." He said

I just laughed because I knew he was joking about the 'coming vir you' part.

"I'll miss you too Dave. Tell Mary I'll miss her too."

"Will do. Be safe girly."

"You too Dave. Bye."


I put my phone away and jumped when I heard a voice start talking behind me.

"Wow, can't believe you're staying willingly." Liam said sounding surprised.

"I'm not. Jay won't let me go. I tried to go out of the house yesterday to see my mom and I saw guards outide my house! They won't let me leave."

"Ooo! That's why there's so many guys outside." He faked confusion. Smiling at me at the end.

"What are you doing here, Liam?"

"And here I thought you would be glad to see me."

"Liam, please just tell me what you're doing here. I'm not in a good mood."

"I'm assigned to be your personal body guard." He said with jazz hands.

I just gave him a blank look. "You can't be serious?"

"I am very serious Mac. As serious as a funny guy can get." He stated.

"Get. Out."

"Now Mac, please let me expla-"

"NOW!" I shouted. I'm really angry right now, infuriated to say the least.

"I can't do that, I'm sorry."

"Then take me to Jonathan. Right now."

"That I can do."

And off we went to go see the devil himself.

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