Chapter 8: He is stable

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Mackenna's POV

What?" I snaped. "There is nothing to see here, move on."

Looking towards Jonathan, it looked as if he were about to blow up. Surves him right. He can't just go around and do what he pleases while he has a pack to look after.

"Who gave you the right," He began slowly but you could clearly hear the anger wanting to burst through.

"to talk to me in that manner. Who gave you the right to worry about what I'm doing or not."

"I'm not worried about you or what you do! I'm worried about all the people in this place. They have been here for you your whole life and this is how you treat them?

"It's time you look around Jonathan. It's not just you here, you are not a teenager for goodness sake. You are an Alpha, responsible for hundreds of lives and this is how you repay the people you call family?"

"Mac I think that's enough.." Jenna started to say hut got interrupted by me.

"No Jenn, not one of you are able to stand up to this idiot so I've got to say something. He'll just keep on treating you like crap if he is not told what he is doing wrong."

"Mac It's ok, really. He must have had a really good reason for doing so." Jenna said hopefully.

"Well. Did you?" I looked at him with an eyebrow rased up.

"Its none of your business."

That's all he said before he went up to the secretary's desk to ask how Henry was doing.

When she push up her boobs and fluttered her eyes at him in a seductive way, I wrinkled my nose. Ew. Have some self respect.

I think Jenn saw because she gave me a questioning look. I just nodded my head towards the Secretary and walked up to her giving her a comforting hug.

"Do you think he'll make it?" She asked.

"Yes, he is strong remember." I just kept on whispering that he'll be ok.

"He is gamma after all."

I know that I didn't know him for more then three days but I still don't want to lose one of the only friends I have. He have done do much for me. I don't even want to know how Jenn will react when things turn out wrong.

Minutes, that felt like hours gone by before anything was heard from Henry. Jenn had a few panic attacks but Jonathan was able to calm her down.

"Anderson?" I heard a rough voice say from the hallway.

"That's me,"

Jenn said quickly shooting out of her seat.

"Is he going to be ok?"

"He is going to be just fine Mrs. Anderson. He got hurt badly but he is stable. If it wasn't for you bringing him here at that moment. The situation would of turned out differently."

"May we go and see him?" I asked.

"Only one may go in at a time. Visiting hours ends at 20:00. I'm just warning you, you may not like what you see. He is hooked up to a lot of cables."

"Jenna you may go first, he is your mate." I said.

Before the doctor could start what he was going to say next, Jenna ran up to the secretary and asked where his room was and ran, just wanting to see her mate.

"Thank you Doctor."

Jonathan said and then started walking away towards the hospital door.

"You're just going to leave again? After your best friend is in the hospital." I asked.

"He is fine now. I'm not needed here. He'll be out of the hospital in a few hours. Healing powers remember."

He said still looking away from me.

"It's your fault he is in this situation in the forst place!"

I shouted but he just kept on walking.


I said turning around walking back to the waiting area.

.."Don't do that to me ever again, if you do I'll kill you myself." I heard Jenn say to Henry in between hiccups.

Henry kept whispering sweet nothing into her ears. Comforting her and she him. Just trying to sooth their thoughts.

I may not know her long but at the moment Harry and Jenn is all I have besides my Cousin. The nurses offerd us to take a shower in the area, since Jenn refused to go home.

As I fell asleep the first night I got the ache in my stomach again and had a dream about the wolf and woman.

I didn't talk to Henry about them again because he is in poor condition, yeah he will get out any day now but still I'd rather Jenn spend some time with him.

I stood outside Henry's door untill I heard my name being called. I looked around a couple of times but couldn't make out where the source was coming from.

Its only untill I heard a door creak open a bit and Jenn called me inside. I said that I didnt want to intrude so I asked her if it would be okay to talk in the hallway.

She came out of the room and closed the door behind her slowly not to disturb Henry.

"So Mac," She started. "Henry told me about the wolf and woman." She said.

"Yeah, what about them?" I asked a bit confused.

I looked at her thinking why he would have told her about it. It's just a dream. Not like it could be real.

"It's just, a few months ago Jonathan complained about the same thing..."

"I didn't complain," I jumped in.

"Let me talk,"  she said giving me a look you would give to a four year old being scolded for doing something naughty.

"but he said he saw the same thing. Now,  everytime he got the 'visions' as he likes to call it, the two beings would merge with each other."

"Jenn, I dont know. Can we maybe not talk about this, especialy not with Jay? Please, you look tired, go in and rest for tonight."

"Okay, but we are not done talking about this, Mac"

I agreed and said goodnight before heading back to the waiting area.

I can't do this anymore, my neck is stiff from the painfully hard chairs. They should really get other seats for us.

Instead of going to the seats I went straight to the exit, wanting to take n breath of fresh air.

Oh how I miss my sister. Since Henry's accident she didn't come to visit me and I've been down since not showing it for Jenn's sake.

While standing ouside with my thoughts I was brought back when I heard the bushes move.

On alert I went to look who or what it could be. Not that I could do much anyway but just when I was about to see, I felt a hand on my shoulder and spun around punching the person in the face.

"For a girl you surely can punch someone if you want to," I heard
Liam say with a groan holding his nose.

"You scared me! Of course I would try and protect myself." I said a bit embarrassed .

"Is my nose bleeding?" He asked taking his hands away from his nose for a second just long enough for me to see before putting it back.

"No, it's not. It's just really red"

I said trying not to laugh out loud. Liam glared at me. "Aw come on it's not that bad." I said trying to pull off an innocent face.

Truthfully it didn't work and I burst out with laughter. He later joined in.

"Whats going on here?"

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