Chapter 4: Into the woods

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Mackenna's POV

"Jay, I found a girl walking alone in the woods." Liam said looking at me but back at Jay again.

Jay turned to me and gave me a weird look. I don't know if it was disgust/ confusion or both but I do for a fact think he doesn't like me.

"Who are you?"

He asked in a rather harsh manner. I shrinked back at his tone and gave him a slight glare for being so rude. He spoke with so much authority I couldn't help but fear him.

"I'm Mac, I didn't know that this was your land. I'm sorry."

"Sure you didn't know. That's what they all say girl."

I gave him a confused look but straightened up not looking him in the eye. This man is so intimidating.  I looked anywhere but at him.

"Sir, I truly am sorry for trespassing, but I do need to get back home. I've been gone for to long and my mom must be worried. It was nice meeting you gentlemen but I best be on my way."

I didn't wait for them to answer me and turned around hoping to making my journey to my house.

I felt a hand grab onto my right arm a bit to hard for my liking and spun around. The shock came running through me as lightning. I have never felt that feeling before.

I looked up at the person who was pressing so hard on my arm and saw that it was Jay who had a look of shock on his face.

He pulled back and spun around as quick as he could and stormed off. The other men followed right after.

After a few minutes of confusion I made my way to the hospital. I just hope Beth would forgive me for not bringing her the home cooked meal i promised.


"MACKENNA DAWSON!  Where in heavens name have you been? We have been worried sick!" I heard my mother shout at me.

When I got to the house my mother and Daniell was about to walk in, but they stopped and turned around when they heard me stepping on some dead leaves. My mom came to me and gave me a tight hug.

"Cassy, don't do that ever again. please. You scared us. I don't know what I would do if I lost you too." She said.

"I'm sorry," I said keeping a straight face.

They looked at each other with concern.

"We decided that you must go and stay with your cousin for a while. Just untill the Blake thing has cleared up and that we're sure you're safe."

My mother said with a sad look on her face.

"It's just for a while, when it's calmed down you may came back, this pack is one of the best but the security isn't enough."

"I understand."

Mom looked so heartbroken. For 11 years I haven't been away from her and knowing that I'll be away from her for a long time scares me. Not for being away from her but for knowing I may not be here to protect her from Blake

"You'll get to know them."

I just nodded and went to bed with a slight attitude. I was not happy about this. Sending me off to strangers. My mother claims that  Kendel is a really nice person. She claims that she sees me as family, that her whole family sees me as part of them.

I couldn't  get a decent night of sleep and woke up with nothing but a headache. Again. This was the day I dreaded. I didn't want to leave my mom with that man on the loose, he is a mad man who I think would do anything to get to my mother or me.

Mackenna✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt