Chapter 5: A rouge attack

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Mackenna's POV

When I saw that Anna went into the house I turned towards Jay. I looked at his tall figure he wanted to say something, but was cut off.

"Uh hi," I began awkwardly.

"No, correction, it's bye. I'm going to find her and you can stay here where I know that you're not going to be in the way, I do not need a girl to waste more time." he said walking toward the forest.

"How dare you, I want to help, I may be a girl but you can't treat me like I may fall and break into milions of pieces. I'm not a piece of glass. I can look after myself just fine thank you very much. And what makes you think I'm going to be in the way?"

I stated with anger and gowled at him, following him into the woods. Who does he think he is, bossing me around? I'm not one of his stupid slaves he can boss around whenever he feels like it.

I don't take orders from anybody but myself. Not even an ass.

I don't know why but I am just so angry with him. I looked at him, a shock expression on his face.

He looked shocked, but quickly recovered.

"I think we must go look for her now there is no time to waste." I said.

He couldn't even start a sentence trying to stop me because I was already running into the woods on search for Anna's mom. Him now following behind.

I just kept running, looking for any clues because I don't know what she looks like. If I can't find her and help her I'm gonna lose it completely.

"Help." A woman's voice yelled.

But not fully yell because her voice sounded as if it's faiding. Like when you have a cold and your voice is gone.

"Hello?" I yelled

"I'm here" the voice whisperd/yelled again.

"Please help me." she cried out, you can clearly hear the agony she's in.

I walked further into the woods and saw a woman lying there on the ground coverd in blood and even more blood surrounding her. Some of her clothes are ripped because of the wolves trying to get to her.I ran towards her ripping a piece of my shirt off to cover her huge wound.

"Push down on the wound, so it would stop the blood." I told her while ripping off another piece for the wound on her arm. The wound on her other leg wasn't so severe then the other.

"Thank you.. " she saidsincerely while giving my hand a tight squeez. I just gave her a smile.

" It's Mackenna, whats your name ma'am?"


I nodded and turned my attention back to her wounds.

It's strange that the wolves didn't go for her throat, her whole body is covered in scratches ans gashes. But only .

"Jay, you better hurry!" I shouted my voice full of panic when the bloods steeped through the material. Soon footsteps was heard running towards us. I really do not know how it took him so long to get here. We must have split up.

"Mom!" he shouted.

"Johnathan honey, I'm fine. If it wasn't for Kenna, I'd be bleeding out. But you have to get me to a doctor right now."

She pleaded him. Trying to hide her pain from him.

"Yes of course. Mac, I'm sure you'll find your way back to the pack house. I'm taking my mom to the doctors, Then I'll deal with you after."

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