Chapter 13: Lost her scent

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Mackenna's POV

I rushed out of the house when I heard footsteps pounding on the ground. I shifted into my wolf form, grabbed my backpack and sprinted.

The smell indicated that it was Jonathan and some of his pack members.

That made me run even faster. No way was I going back there to put them in danger.

I felt the wind in my hair. It felt as if I was flying, but I was running through the forest. My feet barely touched the ground.

A few seconds longer and I could hear their footsteps falter. Giving me joy in their failure.

This past few days I've learned properly how to use my senses. I could hear beter then before. Smell, and see better.

Being on the run really spiked all my senses and for that I am thankful. I really didn't want to go back to the pack just to have them sacrifice themselves for me. It isn't fair.

But being in the pack brought me comfort. After being rescued from Jake aka JC, I felt like I belong. All the pack members in both the packs I've been to made me feel at home.

Like I was part of their family, so for that reason alone I couldn't voluntarily go back there.

I ran a few more minutes longer and saw a lake a few steps away. I instantly dived into the water to cover my scent for I knew that was how they were tracking me.

I got out and instantly began climbing a tree so they couldn't see me. I luckily for me they didn't. They ran right past the tree I was in.

"I lost her scent, I'm sorry Alpha." I heard a young male say. I didn't recognize his voice so I guess I never met him before.

"How do you lose her scent? One task I ask of you and you can't even do that!"


It was him.

It may be hard to believe but I miss him. A lot actually.

He shouted orders and they disappeared. I waited about ten minutes before descending from the tree. I knew with their speed that they would be far gone by now.

I continued my way on search for a home. Running at full speed in the opposite direction of where they ran off to. Hoping I'll make it of this territory very soon.

Finally. Two days later and I found a town with the name of Mallington. A small town on the county side. 

I saw a cute little diner on the corner of the road as I entered the town and walked right towards it.

As I walked into a diner and saw a woman storming out of the place with an angered look on her face, probably ready to punch anyone who wants to mess with her.

"You're fired! Don't ever come back here again Anny!" A man shouted.

I entered the diner and saw an old- ish man standing behind the counter with a blank paper in his hand. He wrote something on it, walked outside and put the paper on the window.

'Help wanted/no ecperience needed.' Seeing that I rushed toward the man.

"Hi, I'm looking a job and saw you taping the sign to the window."

He walked towards me and gave me look as of to judge my looks.

"You're perfect. Not a lot of pretty ladies in this town so you'll bring a lot of customers in. Tell me something girly. Can you skate?"

I looked at him bewildered.

"No, but I'll learn how. Quick learner."

He gave me a weary look and said I'll have to do and threw me some clothes I have to put on.


"Excuse me?"

"Your shoe size girl."

I gave him my size and he came back with a pare of skates.

"The dressing rooms are right there." He showed me.

"Thanks." I gave him a wide smile and basically skipped towards the dressing rooms excited to start working.

Getting a job was so easy.

I got dressed and put the skates on. Looking at myself in the mirror I cringed. How could he hire me when I looked like I did.

My hair was a mess, I'm pretty sure my face is covered on some mud. The clothed I had on was durty.

I fixed my hair into a high ponytail and try skating into the bathroom to clean my face. To my surprise this wasn't so bad. I could skate.

I looked a lot better then before but was still cringe worthy. I skated back towards the man after I got dressed and he smiled at me.

"And she's here. The name is Dave by the way."

"Mackenna. Nice to meet you Dave."

"Nice to mewt you too. Now here is what you do. You take their orders, bring it to me, I'll make it and you take the dishes to them.  Got it?"

"Got it."

"Good. Now here is a note pad and a pen, off you go."

I went toward the customers and saw that not a lot of people were here. Only two couples and a really old woman in the corner of the shop reading the paper.

I then got started. Taking orders was much easier then bringing it to them. I tried to balance the food and my body at the same time and nearly fell a couple of times.

I did mess some coffee on a couple and the lady wasn't very impressed with me. Lets just say I'm not getting a tip this time and I had to bring them extra coffee.

The day went by so fast and the next thing I know I'm cleaning the tables and floor at 9 o'clock at night. Closing time and the old lady was still sitting there.

I walked over towards her and asked if I could help her with anything.

"Ma'am, are you ok?" I asked that question a couple of times before Dave came walked up to me amd patted me on my back.

I didn't expect him so I jumped and my feet fell from under me. He just started laughing, clutching his stomach.

"Come on girly, it's time to go home"

"Excuse me?" I just gave him a look.


A place that I don't have. 

"Here is your pay for your great work today. Minus the extra cups of coffee you cost me but further great job girly."

"Thank you so much."

"100 dollar's!" I'm shocked to say the least. But excited. My own salary. O my goodness."for one day?"

I thought to myself. If this is what I get for a day. I'm gonna live like a queen compared to what I used to live like.

"Goodnight girly. See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Dave. Thank you so much."

And I went off into the night on search for a place to stay. I saw a bed and breakfast not to far from here and went there instead of looking for a cave outside of town.

For this price I could rent this room permanently and still have a lot of money to spare.

First thing this saterday I'm opening two a bank accounts for myself. One for a daily use. And the other to put some money away.

I settled down in the room I'm renting. Took everything out of the bag and immediately took a shower.

After my shower I put on the pj's the B&B provided and got comfy in the bed. I saw a clock on the bedside and switched in on so it can wake me at 8 for me to attend work at 9.

After that I got myself some room service and ate until I couldn't anymore. Then I passed out.

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