Chapter 30

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I had collapsed into bed that night, happy beyond comprehension.

The next morning I woke up some time near noon to a quiet house.

Thinking back to last night I sighed happily and pushed my blankets off, grabbing a sweater I'd left on the floor a few days before and padded down the stairs.

Downstairs, I nearly missed the group of people gathered in the living room, backtracking I saw the Delvins minus Aelius, Mom, Dad and Alexander all gathered on the couches.

"Uh... hello?" I said, moving into the doorway.

"Have you seen Aelius?" Jenefir asked frantically.

"Not since he dropped me off, why?" I asked.

"Oh no." Millie muttered.

That got me panicked, "What happened? What's wrong?"

It was the silence that chilled my soul to the bone. "What happened?" I pressed.

"Aelius never came home last night." it was barely above a whisper.

"We should contact the police, put out a missing persons notice." Mom said.

Aelius' father stood up, "Is there a phone I could use?"

Dad stood up as well, "Yeah, just through here."

They left the room and I moved to sit on the couch.

It was a while later, after the third time I had retielded my room, and at least three hours since the Delvins had left when someone called my name from down stairs.

I came down the stairs hurriedly, nerves wracking my body.

"Did we find him?" I asked upon seeing my family assembled in the kitchen.

"Well," It was the pause that terrified me, that seeped into my body and caused panic to surge forward once again, "There was an accident, Lizabeth Aelius, he's, he's dead. The police are assuming he was drunk from the party and swerved off the road to avoid hitting something. He's dead."

I fell to my knees, muttering, "no, no, no, he wasn't drunk, he wasn't drunk. He's not dead. Your lying."

Alexander placed a hand on my shoulder "Lizabeth,'s true, I'm sorry."

I wrenched away from him yelling now, "No! No!" in between the heaving sobs.

Everything after that seemed to go by all too fast, and I found myself in a haze, watching the world go by.

All I knew was that Benny was there, standing by my side, as I stood, looking at the casket where my Aelius would now stay forever.

I could hear the whispers, he was so broken when they found him they couldn't put him back together enough to keep the casket open.

Most of my time was spent curled up in bed, staring at the wall, fingernails digging into my arms, longing to reopen the old marks in my arms.

Alexander and Benny had gone through the entire house and either gotten rid of or locked up any razor they found.

So I sat, feeling even more lost than when Benny and Mia started dating, or the first foster home, or my 'mother' marrying my father.

Um N E way.
This is the last chapter of the book next week I'll release the epilogue.

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