Chapter 29

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It had taken me almost a week and a half to beat whatever bug I had caught, and almost everyday Aelius was with me, watching movies, letting me read to him and over all being an amazing boyfriend.

Some days passed slow as molasses and others went in the blink of an eye. Somehow between school, the occasional day at the sandlot, and hanging out with Aelius it managed to become December without much thought.

"Wait wait wait! Whose house for the Christmas party?" Squints yelled over the noise of our cafeteria table.

It was the last day before winter break and those of us who were staying in the valley for Christmas (Benny, Timmy, Tommy, Denunez, Quinn, Ham, Smalls and Squints) were discussing our plans for the week off.

"My mom said we could do actual Christmas!" Benny called from his end of the table.

"Our mom says Christmas eve!" Timmy said as Tommy nodded.

"Oh, Aelius and Millie are doing New Years, and they said all of you could come!" I exclaimed.


"Wait which party are we doing secret santa at?" Denunez asked, prompting the table to erupt into chatter again.

"Oh my god are you ready yet? I'll leave without you!" Alexander yelled up the stairs.

"Give me a minute." I called back, tugging my sweater over my head, and grabbed the little wrapped box from off my dresser.

I hurried down the stairs to where Alexander was waiting and followed him out to the car, waving as Mom called, "Have fun!"

Only moments later we pulled into Benny's driveway, adding Alexander's car to the surprising number of cars in the driveway. Or maybe it was only astonishing to me, because I kept forgetting that most of the sandlot boys could drive now.

Alexander followed me up to the porch and upon opening the door we were met with a large wall of noise.

"Eliza! Alexander! How good to see you!" Maria's voice cut through the chatter as she appeared in front of us.

"Hi Maria!"

"They're all in the living room." She smiled.

"Thank you!"

We headed through to the living room where everyone was gathered around, sitting on the couch and the floor, with Christmas music drifting from the radio set up on top of the piano.


"It's the Havery's!"  Quinn yelled.

"Yup!" I said, plopping down next to her on the floor, sliding the wrapped box over to the christmas tree.

"We're playing rummy until Denuenz gets here," She informed me, gesturing to the stack of cards in the middle of the room, "You want in?"

"Nah I'm just going to watch the chaos." I Laughed.

"Ham's turn!" Squints yelled.

Ham glared down at his cards before picking up a card from the deck, groaning again as he put down a different card, "I swear this game is rigged!"

"No it ain't!" Timmy yelled back.

"How do you even rig rummy?" Alexander asked no one in particular.

"Ha! Three fives!" Quinn called, slapping them down on the floor.

"Ugh!" They all groaned as I laughed.

"Okay, okay! Chill out....." Benny started, "Rummy!" He practically screamed, banging his fist on the ground.

Everyone started yelling again.

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