Chapter Eighteen

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I stared up at the ceiling, trying to ignore the voice in my head.

God I hate this.

I don't think I can handle this for much longer.

It was nearly a full week since I'd been administered  to the hospital and everything was getting worse.

Everything sucks.

I can't do this.

I just want to be back at home, and sleep in my own bed, and play baseball, and see the guys.

The IV in my arm was itching, the sheets were scratchy and No matter how I tried I couldn't get comfortable.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate living.

I hate living.

I hate living like this.

I can't-

I can't do this.

They said I would be cleared tomorrow but I don't think I can keep going that long.

This is the freaking worst.

Slowly I sat up, sighing.

I wrapped an extra blanket around my shoulders and slipped into my slippers, standing up.

I slipped out of my room, pulling my IV holder with me.

Time always seemed to slow during late nights in the hospital.
So the few nurses out in my block didn't take notice as I moved down the hall.

It didn't take me long to get to the twins room and quietly open the door.

There was a small light clipped to one of the beds and Aelius was sitting up reading, "E?"

"Yeah, 's me Apollo." I whispered.
"What are you- are you okay?" He quickly changed the question, seeing the tiny tears in my eyes.

"I hate this hospital, and I hate having to stay here, and I hate not being able to sleep at night, and I hate nights at the hospital, and I hate not having slept in a week, and I hate that I'm so stupid I can't even get my thoughts to shut up."

He closed the book softly, "You haven't slept in a week?"

"Only a little. I never could in hospitals."

He sighed and shifted over in his bed, "Commier. I've got space for you."

Quietly I climbed into the bed next to him, trying not to blush as his arm wrapped around me.

I leaned into his side as he asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"It's just been a rough week. I have to stay here, which is always taxing to say the least, my anxiety is up a notch, my fever is only just going down, before I came here I passed out in Benny's arms, and apparently everything is getting worse but they won't tell me anything. I'm cleared to go home tomorrow but I'm still gonna be monitored at home like I have a disease."

"Well let's stop thinking about that then." He murmured.

He started to talk about random stuff to keep me distracted, and we stayed, talking in hushed tones, cuddled together the best we could be, until I dropped off the sleep.

"So are you gonna tell me why they found you in the twins room this morning? And in that boys bed no less." Mom asked as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"Nothing happened Mom. I- well you know how I can get. I couldn't stay in that room any longer so I got up, I ended up in there room and he was awake and we just talked."

"Mhhm which is why you were all cuddled up." She smirked.

"Mom!" I protested.

Sorry this chapter got out late, I was on a family trip.

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