Chapter Fifteen

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It didn't take long for yet another familiar rhythm to set in.
Playing baseball with the boys, hanging around town and seeing people I hadn't seen in 4 years.

As it krept closer to July it felt like the world was on fire.
"Was it always this hot here in the summer?" I asked one day while we were waiting for everyone to show up.
"Yeah? Its not that hot yet?" Ham said confused.
"Christ, it never gets this hot in Illinois."
"Well maybe if ya take your jacket off?" Ham smirked.
I pulled it off and chucked it at his head.
"Rude!" he yelled.
"You told me ta do it!" I yelled back grinning.
He threw the jacket back at me and I went to catch it but someone grabbed my arm.
"What are you-"
I turned to see Benny looking over the scars on my arm.
"Two months." I said plainly.
He nodded "Thats- Thats good."
Quinn walked into the dugout and Benny quickly dropped my arm.
I went back to folding my jacket into my bag and then grabbed my glove.

"Lizabeth, come on!"
"Gimme a minute!" I yelled back, quickly tugging on the old letterman jacket as I headed out of my room.
"When I say we gotta go, we gotta go! We aren't gonna be late to your first appointment!"

Quickly I headed down the stairs to where Dad was waiting "I'm here, calm down."
"Let's go."

"Hey! Eliza! Where you goin?" Benny  called from down the street.
"I can't today, I have an appointment!"
He nodded "Okay, I'll tell the guys."

A while later we made it  to the offices.
Just being back to them made me a little more anxious.
As we sat in the waiting room I drummed my fingers on the arms of my chair trying to stay calm.

"Elizabeth Havery?"
I stood up and followed the nurse from the waiting room and through the maze of hallways in the building.

"So, how was your time in Illinois?"
My head snapped up as Dr. Quill entered the room, I had been all in my head trying to stay calm.
"It... uh...."
"Did I startle you?"
I nodded "A bit, you'd think four years would get me used to hospitals."
She gave me a sympathetic smile.
"That's okay, so how was the drive out here?"
"It was pretty fun, I got to ride with Alexander part of the way and we listened to a lot of music."
"That's fun! And how have you been doing, mental wise?"
I shrugged "Decently? I'm two months clean now! That's almost a record!" 
She grinned "That's wonderful, let's get started with the rest of the checking okay?"
I nodded.

Apparently things were relatively normal but I was supposed to start being more careful with the level of activity I'm having.
"- So we'll just keep monitoring that on, let's say a monthly basis and we should be good, okay?"
Dad nodded "Yep, thank you doctor Quill."
I smiled at her as we left.

"See that wasn't so bad." Dad said as we climbed into the car. 
"I just don't like hospitals okay?"
"Yeah, I know."

Things seemed to stay normal for about another week.

Little cliff hanger for ya.
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