Chapter 25

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Time passed, some days passed slow as hell and others passed in the blink of an eye.

I spent less time at the sandlot and more time with Aelius, or more like, I was spending the time I wasn't in the hospital,at doctors appointments  passed out from exhaustion or holed up in my room pretending I didn't exist, with Aelius.

That was where I currently was, tucked under Aelius' arm, trying not to pass out as some old program played up over on the tv.

I sighed and burrowed further into Aleius' side.

"You alright?" He asked softly.

I hummed in response, "Just a little tired."

He nodded and went back to rubbing circles into my shoulder.

Eventually I nodded off against Alelius' side, where it was warm and for once I actually fell asleep, content.

When I awoke, some time later  the warmth of a person was gone, replaced by a blanket.

As soon as I opened my eyes a pounding headache formed at my temples.

I groaned and sat up, looking around my room, confused considering I'd fallen asleep in the living room.

Alexander was passing my open door and saw me, "Oh hey, you're awake."

I groaned and rubbed at my eyes, "What time is it?"

He glanced down at his watch, "'bout 2."

"Oh thank god I wasn't asleep that long, when did Aelius leave?"

He sighed, "Like, a long time ago. Did I mention its two in the morning? On Saturday? If you didn't wake up by the morning mom was going to take you back to the hospital."

"It's Saturday?" I screeched.

Alexander winced, "Yeah, it is."

I flopped back down onto my bed, "Wonderful."

"Well, I'll go tell mom to stop freaking out. Oh and you'll probably have to see Dr. Quill anyway."

Stayed sitting in bed for a while, listening  as the house fell quiet.

I crept out of my room, down the stairs and out onto the deck, drinking in the early morning chill.

Leaning back against the wall I sighed, wondering if anything would get any better.

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