Chapter 22

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The next day, two hours before Aelius was coming to pick me up Quinn and Millie showed up in my room, "We're here to get you ready."

"I don't need help, I know how to dress myself!" I protested.


They both started attacking my closest, throwing things around and making comments while I sat back and watched helplessly.

"Okay go put this one on!" Millie yelled, throwing a skirt and sweater at me.

Obediently I shuffled off to the bathroom and changed into the clothes.

Back in my now disaster of a room I did a little spin to which both of them said, "Not quite."

Three outfits later I came out of the bathroom as Alexander walked past, "What's going on in there?"

I sighed, "Insanity Alex, pure insanity."
"Oh yeah, you've got that date tonight."

"If they ever decide on an outfit," I groaned as I pushed the door to my room open, "Which will probably be, like never."

I closed the door behind me as Millie and Quinn came to look me over.

"I think this is the one." Quinn decided as I picked at the skirt.

"I think you're right," Millie agreed, "The red ish is definitely her color."

"Okay, so we're done? I can look now?" I asked impatiently.

They took one look at each other and squealed, "Makeup time!"

I groaned but allowed them to drag me over and start putting things on my face.

Once they had finished quite some time later I finally was able to look at the whole outfit in the big mirror.

A long red and brown plaid skirt I had gotten before I left Illinois draped over my legs, into it I tucked the ruffled white button down. Whatever they had down to my face had seemed like a lot before but looking at it now it seemed like nothing.

"Wow." I breathed.

"Yup!" Quinn grinned, offering Millie a high five.

Downstairs there was a knock at the door and they both grinned wickedly, "It's time!"

The next thing I knew I was being shoved down the stairs and out the door as Mom yelled, "Be safe!" and Alexander called, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

As I stumbled out the door I managed to shout a warning to Aelius to get out of the way.

Much to my surprise, I didn't trip and fall off the porch, instead, somehow, Aelius managed to grab my wrist and pull me into his arms to catch me, "Are you okay?"

I half nodded, standing up, "I hate your sister, with all of my soul."

"What'd she do now?" He asked as we started off the porch and over to his car.

"This." I said, motioning to my outfit.

"Well," He chuckled, "I wouldn't hate her for that. You look wonderful."

I could feel my cheeks heat as he pulled open the car door for me, "Milady,"

"Your ridiculous Apollo." I laughed.

"Only for you darling." He replied as he went around to his door of the car.

I reached over and turned on the radio as we pulled out of the driveway, grinning as the sound of  The Troggs filled the car.

We both sang along as we sped along the road, breaking out laughing when we looked at each other as the song ended.

"That was awesome!" Aelius grinned, "You never told me you can sing!"

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