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During recess, Irene asked Taehyung and his friends to go to the cafeteria first as she went to the restroom.

After five minutes spent in the cubicle, she walked out and suddenly got splashed with a bucket of dirty water.

" Arghh ! ", Irene shrieked.

" Suprise ! ", Jennie smirked in satisfaction as she throw the mop bucket that the school cleaner left in the restroom on the floor.

" Jennie ", Irene gritted her teeth, glaring straight into Jennie's eyes.

" Why? Are you mad ? ", Jennie crossed her arms, showing her resting b face.

" But wait. The person who should be mad is me and not you ! I've warned you to not get close with Taehyung and you still have a guts to get near him ?! ", Jennie slapped Irene's face before pushed her to the floor.

" Jennie ! You are just misunderstood ! There's nothing going on between me and Taehyung but just a mere classmate ! ", she explained.

" You think I'm blind? I freaking saw you coming to school together with Taehyung and what's with the sudden rumors about you having relationship with Taehyung? You think I'm stupid?! ", shout Jennie in anger.

" I give you last warning. Stay away from Taehyung and his friends or I'll post this video and make it viral. You'll never know how much this video will affect Taehyung and all of his friends. ", she smirk as she showed Irene a video of Taehyung and his friends mercilessly punching Jaehyun and his friends. Irene gasped.

" You guys should thank me for stopping Jaehyun from making a police report and suing Taehyung. Well, that's the very least I can do to help my love. But what about you? You always bring misfortune to his life and cause him a lot of trouble ever since you got here. ", Jennie clenched her jaw.

" This is my last warning, Bae Irene. Stay away from Taehyung or I will spread this video. Just so you know that this won't only affect Taehyung but you might also lose your scholarship and get kick out of this school for ruining our school reputation. ", she smirked again.

" Keep that in mind. ", she glared at Irene before walked out of the restroom.

A tears rolled down on Irene's cheek. She tried to wake up but she felt very weak at that time. She didn't know that Taehyung and gis friends will go that far just to help her.

" It was all my fault. ", she continuously chanting the same word as tears keeps rolling down on her cheeks.

Wendy who has been hiding in one of the cubicle witnessed everything. She wanted to help but decide to listen to their conversation first. She wanted to record it but she left her phone in her locker.

After Jennie left the room, Wendy quickly walked out and went to help Irene who was still sitting on the floor.

" Irene! Are you okay ?! " Wendy tug a few strain of Irene's hair behind her ear.

" It was all my fault, Wendy. ", she cried.

" Hey, it's okay. Everything will be fine. ", Wendy gently patted Irene's back just to comfort her.

" I shouldn't be here. This is not the right place for me. I've bring so much trouble for Taehyung. For all of his friends. ", she uttered in between her sob.

" No, Irene. Don't listen to Jennie. It's not your fault, okay? Now, let's go and change your cloth. We'll figure this out together later. ", Wendy help Irene to get up and bring her to the changing room.


After finished showering and changed to her soirt attire, Irene and Wendy sat on the bench that was placed in the middle of the room. Irene was lost in her own deep thought while Wendy trying hard thinking of a solution.

" Why don't we tell the boys ? ", she snap her finger.

" No, Wendy. No. Don't tell anyone about what happened earlier not even Taehyung or his friends. It just between me, you and Jennie. Promise? ", she said almost begging.

" But why? Sooner or later they will find out too. ", Wendy furrowed her eyebrows.

" They will never know as long as I stay away from them and it's not slipped out of your mouth. ", she said while staring blankly at the floor.

" So ? You'll just let Jennie threatening you like that when all of this obviously started from Jaehyun and Taehyung himself. You are just a victim of this whole situation, Irene. ", Wendy put her hand on top of Irene's right shoulder, softly shaking it.

" Taehyung already warned me to stay away from Jaehyun but I didn't listen to him. So, it's still my fault. ", Irene cupped her face as she rest her elbows on her knees.

Wendy sighed. She felt pity for Irene as she tried her best to comfort her by patting her back.

" You should go to the cafeteria. Yoongi must be waiting for you. ", said Irene.

" What about you? Aren't you coming too ? ", Wendy gave her a concern look.

" Don't mind about me. I need to go and get some fresh air. ", she replied as she got up from her seat.

" But you haven't eat your lunch yet. ", Wendy held her wrist. Irene just faintly smiled at Wendy before she walked out of the room.


" Where have you been ? ", asked Yoongi.

" I- errr I got something to do earlier. That's why. ", she lied. Yoongi look at her suspiciously but then just shrugged it off.

" Have you seen Irene? What takes her so long in the restroom. ", asked Taehyung, looking around searching for Irene.

" Em no. I didn't see her. ", she lied again.

" Weird. I've been calling her but she didn't answer her phone. ", Taehyung frowned while keep dialing up Irene's number.

" You guys go ahead. I need to find Irene first. ", he quickly got up and dashed out of the cafeteria.

" YAH ! KIM TAE-hyung. ", Jimin called for him but Taehyung just ignored his call. The rest of them could just shook their head and continue waiting their lunch.

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