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Fast forward to tomorrow night, the night when Jaehyun's birthday party will be held.

Irene look at her reflection through the long standing mirror in front her. She never stop smiling as she examined the white gown that fits perfectly on her as if it was made specially for her.

She didn't really know how to apply make up. Well, she doesn't even have any make up product to use except for her favourite strawberry lipbalm and a cheap compact powder.

" It's fine, Irene. Just be yourself ! ", she said as she took a deep breath collecting her confidence before step out of her house. She hailed a cab and gave the driver Jaehyun's address.


After like 15 minutes, she finally arrived at Jaehyun's place. It's huge ! She gaped at how big Jaehyun's house is.

She felt a pair of eyes were looking at her. She quickly made her way to the main entrance. There was two bodyguards who was guarding the entrance.

As she was about to walk in, the guard stopped her. Irene felt panic inside but trying her best to look calm at the outside.

" Invitation card please ", one of the guard said.

" Uhm Jaehyun didn't gave me any card but he personally invited me here. You can check it with him. ", she stammered.

" Sorry miss. You can't go in if you don't have the invitation card. ", they said.

Irene bite her lower lips and step aside, giving way to other guest to walk in. Her eyes caught the invitation card that they were holding.

Why Jaehyun didn't gave it to me ? She thought.

" Oh look who we got here. ", a voice approached her.

Irene turned around to look at the person. It's Jaehyun's friend. Who was it again ? Taeyong ?

" Why are yo still standing here ? Let's go in. ", he said as he gesture her to go in.

" Yah why aren't you letting her in. ", he asked the guard.

" She doesn't have the invitation card. Young Master told us to not allowed those without invitation card in. ", they explained.

" Jaehyun didn't give you the card ?", he raised one of his eyebrows before let out a soft chuckled.

" That dumb guy ", he snort.

" Don't worry. She is one of Jaehyun's special guest. ", he said and the guard nodded before let them in.

" Thank you ", she whispered to Taehyong.

" Small matter. ", he winked and left to find his friend.

Irene just stood there awkwardly, lookng around hoping she know someone to talk to but sadly she didn't recognize any of those faces. Well, they must be from Jaehyun's school.

" What do I expect. ", she sighed.

After waited about ten minutes, Jaehyun finally showed up on the stage that they prepared for him. There's also a cake with candles.

He looks like a prince charming wearing a black tuxedo. His smile is very sweet yet seductive. Whoever look at him will definitely fall for him.

Irene who was standing at the corner could just look at him from a far. The MC gave Jaehyun his mic for him to make his speech.

" Good evening everyone ! Firstly, i would like to thank everyone who came tonight to cheer up my birthday party. I know that I might look like a kid who's excited for his birthday party. ", he chuckled causing everyone to laugh at his statement.

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