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Irene patiently wait at the side line with a hope that Taehyung's team will win the game.

' Please! Please! ', Irene pray in her heart while her gaze following every Taehyung's movement.

Taehyung on the other hand were playing so hard and manage to score another two points which is mean they already score 3 points for now while the opponent team score remain the same. They need to score two points more to win the game.

" Yah ! Faster! We don't have much time left !  We need to score two points more! Come on guys ! ", Yoongi shout at his teammates to awake their inner spirit.

" Come on guys! We can do this! ", Taehyung added, clapping his hands thrice.

" Geulim High School fighting!!! ", Irene shout, suprising everyone near her.

Later on,  the cheerleaders along with the audience repeat after Irene. They chanting the spirit words over and over again.

" Oh gawd what's there to be loud for? Your school basketball team will lose this game anyway. ", Jaehyun said in his sarcastic tone.

" We will see ", Yoongi replied, restrain himself from spitting some bad words to the opposite team captain.

They continued the game with the time remaining 10 minutes left.

The ball was passing around from hand to hand. Namjoon manage to seize the ball from Johnny's hands and passed it to Seokjin.

" Jungkook! Catch! ", Seokjin shout to gain his attention.

Jungkook briefly caught the ball and passed it to Jimin who were standing near the goal post.

" Jimin shoot ! ", Yoongi command from his spot.

Jimin without had second thought threw the ball right to the goal post and succeed to score one point.

Irene along with the cheerleaders team and the audience cheered out loud for their school basketball team. Meanwhile the opponent team were put under pressure.

" Come on guys! Don't let them win! ", Jaehyun yelled to his teammates. All of them were lack of energy already.

" Yeah! That's my bro! ", Taehyung said and did a high five with Jimin.

Taehyung and Jimin showed their thumbs down to Jaehyun and his teammates just to provoke them.

" Guys! The score is tie! We need to score another one point to win this game. We can do this! Come on!  Come on! ", Yoongi said to his teammates.

Five minutes left before the game is over. The atmosphere suddenly became too intense as both team were eager to get a score which will  determine which team will win today's game.

" Taehyung! Snatch the ball ! Hoseok! Cover him! Namjoon! Protect the goal post! ", Yoongi yelled.

The game still on going with no one scoring. The result still remain the same for the past three minutes.

Now, there is two minutes left. Taehyung felt the pressure when everyone were depending on him.

One minute left.

" I can't do this! Jimin! Catch! ", Taehyung passed the ball to Jimin who was not ready.

" Yah ! Why did you passed the ball to me?! ", Jimin yelled to Taehyung.

" Jimin! 10 second left ! Just shoot it! ", Yoongi shouted making Jimin became panic on his spot.

" Aish! ", he groaned before carelessly thre the ball without setting a proper target at the goal post.

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