"Ah, I forgot to mention. The others should be dropping by soon to say hello. Will that be alright?" He asked. "If you still need to rest we won't bother you, I think they just want to make sure you're alright" he smiled his usual boxy smile at her.

Hearing his last line warmed her heart up immensely, she never had people she knew so little of care about her so much before.

"Of course it's okay, I'm always so excited to see everyone." She smiled back at him.

"But please, don't push yourself alright?" He says seriously and she nods.

"You didn't answer me earlier Tae, how long were you here for?"

"Uhm.. since about 8am?" He pondered as her eyes went wide.

"You mean, wait." She paused. "You mean it wasn't a dream?"

"Was what a dream?" He raised his eyebrows at her curiously. Playing with her delicate fingers as her hand laid on the bed.

"I dreamt.." she blushed a little bit before continuing. " I dreamt that you stayed by me all day and even sang me a lullaby" she peered up shyly before seeing him chuckle nervously and nodding.

"Yep, that was me" he looked at her endearingly.

"Weren't you bored?" She blurted changing the topic.

"Hmm.. to be honest not really. It was quite entertaining really. I had a look around your room if you don't mind. You have a lot of interesting things here." He looked around. " also you sleep talk" he cheekily smiled at her. " you said something like, " oppa, I want ice cream" and I nearly got up and got some for you, only to realize you were still sleeping" he laughed whole heartedly and she blushed at how embarrassing she was.

"I-" she was at a lost of words

"It's okay Hana." He took the opportunity to poke her nose playfully. "It was very cute" he winked at her, and it suddenly felt hot in her face again. Attempting to hide under the covers in embarrassment, she heard a knock on the door.

"Oh that must be them" Taehyung got up to answer the door. She signed in relief that the boys came at just the right time.

"Oh you're awake!" Hobi smiled after her and waved, she waved back at him.

"Hi Hobi oppa" she giggled as he shot finger hearts at her. She was sad she couldn't get up to hug anyone in her state, her entire right side was hooked up and she didn't dare move her body much as advised by her doctor.

"Noona!" Jungkooks bunny smile appeared happy to see her but he got slapped hard on his back by Yoongi.

"Quiet down Kook, she's still trying to rest." He scolded the maknae as she just smiled at them, just purely happy to see them.

Jimin took the seat where Taehyung was before as he silently looked at all the contraptions hooked up to her.

"Does it hurt?" He softly asked But she shook her head.

"I'm alright Jimin, don't worry" she smiled at him gently trying to wash away his worries. She was in slight pain as the medication was wearing off a little but it was bearable.

"Have you all eaten yet?" She called out to them and they answered yes and nodded, even Tae did which she guessed Sena brought him food. She'd have to thank her later. She was glad everyone settled into seats and there were enough for all of them.

"How are you feeling Hana?" Namjoon genuinely asked with concern. Everyone's attention was on her.

"I'm doing alright, I was asleep all day and I thank Taehyung for staying by my side. It was very comforting for once." She smiled at the boy now sitting with Jin across the room. He smiled back at her.
"I'm guessing all of you would want to know what happened?" She asked and they were all surprised.

"Only if you want to talk about it Hana, we would never force you to say something you're uncomfortable with." Jin piped up.

"Oh no, it's okay honestly. It just seems that all of you were curious" she giggled softly.

"It's alright Hana, I'm sure Tae can fill us in later. Right now we just want to have a nice talk with you" Namjoon came around next to Jimin to stroke the messy strands of Hana's hair away from her face. She looked up at him in appreciation. Joon seemed like the very caring type, as much as people call him the "god of destruction" he was actually very gentle and delicate. Jimin however caught her eye tonight as he had a similar look to Tae from earlier.
He was just staring at her arm that was hooked up, his face was bent down, his long fringe cascading over his eyes.

She felt sad, she didn't want the boys to feel any form of guilt or sadness for seeing her like this.

"Jimin?" He looked up at her as she called. Breaking him out of a trance.

"I'm alright, don't worry Jimin. I'll be fine by tomorrow I promise" she softly spoke to him as he returned his gaze down and nodded. She wish she could do more and wipe that sad expression from his beautiful face. In fact all the boys had somewhat a guarded expression. She guessed tonight they just really needed to see her to make sure she was alright.

"Don't worry everyone, I'll be up and dandy again by tomorrow. I'm sorry you have to see me in such a state" she laughed nervously but tried to stay strong for them and showed determination in her eyes.

"Don't ever be sorry Hana, you've done nothing wrong." Yoongi spoke out, they all seemed further away from her than normal, probably because her entire right area was occupied with equipment so people couldn't sit by her there. She squeezed Jimins hand in assurance.

"The please don't be sad, it's very hard as an army to see her favorite idols upset" she smiled to lighten the mood and they started returning it.

"Yeah you're right, sorry Hana. We were just extremely worried all day for you. Specially since Tae never responded to our messages." Jin jabbed Taehyung with his elbow while he whined in protest.

"Hyung! I was spending time with Hana, why should I look at my phone" he pouted.

"Aish, we just wanted to know how she was doing plus you should be more respectful to your hyungs ! " Jin jabbed him again.

"Yah yah, you're getting too loud again" Yoongi scolded them and they quickly shut up. A giggle bubbled inside her again but she tries very hard to refrain from laughing too much as pain was now very much coursing through her. She could endure this. She hid it with a smile.

"Anyway Hana, thank you for letting us visit again. We'll call or message you alright? You need to get more rest" Namjoon pat her head gently. She felt like he'd be a good older brother. Much like Jaehyun was to her.

"Okay.." she smiled but sighed disappointedly. She wished they could always be around her but of course that was a stretch.

"Don't worry dearest Hana we'll see you again very soon" Hobi shot finger hearts at her again which she returned. She realized through tonight, the only person that didn't speak was Jungkook. She looked for him and he was nowhere to be found. She hadn't realized he disappeared sometime during the night.

"Where did Kookie go?" She asked looking at the boys who too looked around confused.

"Did he leave earlier?" Him asked

"I don't remember seeing him leave the room" Tae pondered

"I think he went to the bathroom. I'll call him." Namjoon said as he took out his phone.

"See you Hana!" Tae called out with one last smile before they all disappeared out the door and her room was silent again.

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