Chapter 7 - Old friends

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Authors Note
Another one for my loves

Please remember to comment guys!

Also please listen to this song after the chapter. It’s the perfect song for this chapter.


Love you guys xx

Hannah P.O.V

“The game is called gladiator. Basically this game you and your partner need to decide between who is strong in the legs department and then the arms department. If you are the bottom have of your team then well you’re a bottom sorry.” Kim joked and we giggled like teenagers mostly because we were all a bit tipsy already. “Bottom half will be the person carrying the other on their back for the first leg which will be swimming across the river and back. The team that comes first gain 2 point and the second team gets one point understood?”

We all nodded urging her to continue.

“Okay great first part piggy backing partner across the river and back. Second leg with have both your partner and yourself carrying water from the lake to here.” She marked a spot behind us that had red, orange and green buckets.

“And I will judge who wins by having there buckets filled fist to the brim.”Mrs. Williams cheers with Bailey on the lap lounging on the camper chair.

“Thanks mom.” Kim said smiling at her mom. “The catch is that you can only use what is on your person to carry the water. Sorry lexi that mean you are in the least amount of clothing here.” Kim said smiling sympathetically at her. Way to be a whore Lexi. I smiled to myself looking at her.

“And the third leg?” Ian asked

“Well that is were the gladiator part of it comes in. Bottoms holding the tops on their shoulders and basically seeing who can stay up the longest. Water must be up to the shoulders for the bottoms. Are we ready? Two minutes to discuss amongs your team mate who will be the bottom and who will be the top.”Kim yells and Beth and I look at each other dumbfooled.

“I think I might be a little strong than you in the arms department.”Beth say and I frown at her shaking my head.

“Your bottom I’m top. Remember me slapping you?”I smiled seeing her smirk at me.

“That was a pretty good slap. Fine I’m bottom you’re top. “Beth says “I got a plan for the water challenge next. Ready?” She asks throwing her arms around me and smiling at me.

I looked at her inches away from me and nodded smiling at her.

“Fae stop staring and get your head in the game.” Kim said high fiving Fae asking me look over to her seeing her smiling at me

“I’ll see you at the finish line.” She says smirking. I looked at her my eyes wide. Kim was clearly influencing her.

Where do we meet again? (18&Over Sequel)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя