Chapter 9 - thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end

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Authors Note

Intense chapter coming your way.

I hope all of your enjoy it.




I've spent the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end.

I knew what was happening. I knew by the way our eyes met as she opened the door. My beautiful blonde love looking at me the way I remember but still slightly different. Guarded.

"Hi Beth."She said clearing her throat and smiling at me again "You can come in sorry I have company over."She said as Fae appears behind her looking flushed.

I nodded biting my tongue and walked inside and smiled at Fae. I didn't really mind her up until she started getting too involved. I bit my tongue because I minded now that she was here and worst of all I minded that my beautiful love was hurting because of me. Thinking back I realize how much I hurt and some part of me actually did think that Fae would make her happier and make her move on.

A very small part.

"I hope I'm not intruding."I ask Hannah and she instantly shakes her head with a smile and Fae just looks blankly at me.

"We were in the middle or something but nothing that can't wait for you."Fae smiled and retreated into Hannah's bedroom.

I raised my brow at Hannah as she shrugged looking a bit guilty. I should really stop this before it goes too far. I need to tell Hannah.

I sat at the far end of the couch as Hannah made her way to the other side. She switched on the television and took out her phone. She really did look beautiful today.

"You look pretty."I say watching her eyes drift over to me and her lips curve slightly before vanishing. "You always do."

Hannah shook her head and looked at me "Beth.."

Nodding I walk over to the kitchen watching her follow after me. I leaned against the kitchen counter feeling my heart pound and putting my hands over my face.

"What's going on with you?"Hannah asks putting her hand on my shoulder . I looked up into her eyes trying to calm down.

"I'm feeling overwhelmed actually I'm feeling a lot of things."I say apologizing to her.

Hannah Rubbed my shoulder looking worriedly at me. "I think you should lay down? You seem stressed ,come on let me get you on the couch and we can all watch a movie."She says soothing me and within ten minutes she was tucking me in and scooting over to Fae and Bailey looking at me from the corner of her eye.

Maybe I needed some sleep. I was over thinking everything and gaining too much information too fast. I needed sleep.

Hannah P.O.V

"What are you doing Hannah?"Fae fumes sitting on my bed looking at me with her green eyes hurt. I shrugged biting my lip feeling like an ass. I just wanted her to understand.

Something was going on with Beth and I was just trying to help. I had no hidden agendas I mean I was with Fae now.

"She isn't your problem anymore."She whispered looking at me for anwsers. Anwsers I didn't have at all.

"I'm not doing anything wrong. It's fine really."

Fae shook her head walking over to the living room gesturing towards a sleeping Beth. "Her being here means that she can run to you and you will take care of her."

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