Chapter 4 - Everyone needs a place to hide

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Hey guys its back!
Don’t hate me for this chapter!lol.
Please please remember those COMMENTS!

I love reading all of your comments on the progress of this story.

And here we go..

Beth P.O.V

I have been thinking lately about marriage and the meaning behind it. It something I should've thought about sooner really. Sometimes it feels like I'm just screwing up and every time it feels like I am taking a big step forward I am still the same in same spot I was. Unsure about most things.

I remember her eighteenth birthday and I wish I could tell her that. I really wish she knew and I thought that maybe it would stop this. It would stop her taking her anger out on a bottle of liquor.

Maybe it would help but for how long until she starts anticipating more and then I can't give it to her. That's the thing about Hannah I have realized or learned all over again. She is a all or nothing person and right now with my job and Bailey and even Lexi somewhere in the picture I honestly didn't know how faint fragments of memories would affect our lives.
 I need to think about all three of us and if sharing information about one single memory would do more harm than good.

"Are you almost ready mom said we should meet her at Pacellos at 8pm , Ian and I are driving over there now are you coming with or going with your own car?"Kim says looking pretty dressed in a purple dress with Austin on her hip dressed in a little toddler suit.

I shake my head and smirk "I want an exit strategy."I grin and Kim walks closer to me making me look up at her.

"Are you going to tell her tonight?"Kim asks instantly making me shrug rolling my eyes. She was nosy mostly because she was missing Hannah and trying to worm her way in as she usually does.

"I'm going to kick your ass if you ask me that one more time. "I say to her seeing her grin and walk away  waving me off.

I got dressed quickly and did my make up feeling a lump in my throat. This birthday dinner was going to extremely awkward. 

Once I reached the hospital I hugged my mom and kissed her cheek doing the same with my father. Seeing my mom looking at me proudly. "Wow you girls really did go out, you look beautiful."My mom says touching my shoulder and smiling at Kim.

"I completely agree."Ian said kissings Kim's forehead looking at her with shiny puppy dog eyes. I wanted to gag a bit but decided to turn to my mother feeling her hand on my own giving it a slight squeeze.

"Are you sure she is coming?"I ask my mother silently and my mother nods to the door making my eyes land on hers instantly seeing a bright smile spread across her lips as she swayed her hips in a blue tight fit dress and her blonde curls falling over her shoulders.

And then I saw it all happening in front of me again..Everything that happened the night of her birthday.

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