Chapter 5 - Let's just jump already

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Hannah P.O.V

It was Sunday and Fae was making us breakfast. Bailey was cuddling next to me with her hands clutching onto my shirt. It was a good day when I was still in my PJs and it was past 9 in the morning so of course it was a good day.

“Bai it’s almost breakfast time.” I say picking her up watch her sleeping eyes flicker open and instantly her sticks her hand into her mouth and starts smiling. Shaking my head I kiss her tummy making her irrupt in a fit of giggle. I smile to myself and keep kissing her tummy making her hands and legs wiggling all over the place.

“Han food is almost ready 5 more minutes okay?”Fae says touching my shoulder and I look at her smiling and nodding my head “Thank you for spoiling me.” I say and she waves me off walking back into the kitchen.

Taking out my phone I look down on the screen seeing tons of missed calls and text messages. Two missed calls from Beth one voicemail from her and four missed calls from Kim. The last one was a call from their mother with a voicemail so I called my voicemail looking at Bailey whilst hear the phone beeping.

First message – Hi I don’t know what is going on. I don’t understand. Anyway I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. Just.. I don’t like things like this. Just call me okay.

I sighed knowing I wasn’t going to be calling. Not because I didn’t want to but because I just didn’t want to deal and what surprises me most is how little people understand what it is like. What all of this is like but right now I’m happy even when it means shutting out real life just for a minute.

“Food is on her table!”Fae yells whilst running to me and grabbing my arms and dragging me to the dining room table and setting me into my seat smiling and sitting down on her seat.

“Shit Fae Bailey is still on the couch! “I yell kicking my seat out from under me and running to the couch not finding her there.

“I put her in her crib.”Fae said looking at me like I was going mad. And I walked over to the dining table again taking a deep breath

“I’m all over the place aren’t I?”I say eating my omelet.

Fae nods whilst eating and looks over at me “It’s a lot you must be going through so it’s understandable. I’m glad you called though.”

I was more than happy she was here. I didn’t feel like I had to figure her out because I knew Fae and I knew what type of person she was. “Did I say thank you?”I ask and she grins nodding

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