Chapter 10 - The Reunion

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Hannah P.O.V

Running seemed like a good thing when hung over. It sounded like such a wonderful idea when Kim had suggested it. It was a horrible idea probably the worst idea ever thought of. BY the time we reached the park as in our half way point I physically fell to the ground and turned on my back. I decided I wasn’t going to get up ever. I would just lay here forever and die here.

“We haven’t even reached 2 miles Hannah come on lets go!” Kim yelled whilst jogging around me smirking “I’m literally running circles around you.”

“I liked you better when you didn’t force me to go jogging with you. Always isn’t this suppose to be our I don’t know um reunion tour. Like the Kim and Hannah reunion tour.” I sighed knowing she wasn’t going to let up.

Why did she have to have a boyfriend that was all into fitness. She hates fitness, I had to piggy back her to gym class for god sakes.

“I told you I would get you some ice cream on our way back besides not all of us can naturally fit into a size 4 over night.”

“You’re a cheap date.” I grunt feeling her pull me back up.

Regretfully I started jogging again praying to just go to sleep or something and I mean anything other than this.

“Ian bought Austin running shoes like small little ones and  every time he comes over Austin puts on his running shoes. It was cute expect for the fact that Austin like playing with Ian more and glares at me when I try to ply with them. My almost four year old son is glaring at me.”

“Then we must be just like his mom.” I smiled seeing Kim glaring at me “See? Exactly.”

“That doesn’t prove anything. Are you going to come over tonight? I told my Mom and Dad things were sorted they said they would be making you your favorites. I can cancel if you don’t want to because of Beth, then I thought well Beth will most probably be over there to see Bailey so either way there is no escaping her. “Kim rambled and Hannah nodded thinking back to the night before and how she embarresed herself.

She was a bit grateful that she didn’t remember every part but she knew enough. She knew she had basically been but naked in bed with Beth sobbing like a two year old. The thought almost gave her a worst headache.

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