06 - lost in the lights

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"How do you fit in here?!"

Taehyung chuckled, watching Sky's umpteenth attempt to slip through the tiny space to get up on the roof of his house. It wasn't what he had originally planned. He knew he couldn't just bring someone in so she can suffer. Nope. 

But the weather reports were right this morning. A little less snowfall and a bit warmer winter night. It's less than five hours before a brand new year arrives, and heck, Taehyung is hella excited. It actually caused nothing to achieve such freedom. He did the bare minimum to convince his parents to let him stay home and welcome New Year's Day on his own.

Though obviously, he had to lie to their faces that he will invite Jungkook over. He tried to come over his place yesterday but his parents said he's attending a countdown party as a performer. 

Feeling bad about not making contact with him every often, Taehyung went home upset at himself. He was proud of him though, at least he's busy, and distracted. 

I'll make it up to him, I swear.

Coming back to his senses, Sky is nowhere in sight. He lifted his head and soon heard a squeal, "Oh my gosh look at this, hey Taehyung!!"

Taehyung quickly got out and up, and he almost tumbled off as a hand grabbed him with full force. His upper body landed right on top of Sky's, which is supposed to make both of them faint in shock. But for some reason, a soft giggle came out from her as she pushed him gently.

"You said you always come up here with Jimin! Which means, you should already know how to not fall off when you're here but look at you!"

Taehyung fixed his shirt, and scratched his head vigorously. "God, I'm sorry okay? Why would you need to pull me like that?" he said, rolling his eyes.

Sky hit his arm with her index finger, she scoffed, "I was just gonna show you that!" she said, pointing to something. Taehyung turned to the front where the outline of buildings, different colors from the lights, and on the far end is the moon shining over.

Taehyung's jaw dropped, catching a glance of such beauty. It all is familiar to him. This time, last year it wasn't Sky who sat next to him full of bliss, but Jimin. From the exact same spot, the fireworks display at twelve o'clock can be seen, and as he glanced at the girl inches away from him, he felt it again... the quickened pace of his heart beating out of his chest.

When their eyes met, he looked away. She didn't. In fact, she's sending him what seems like, a sly grin. He gulped, fidgeting in his seat. What is her deal?

She nudged him, and chuckled, "So I guess you feel uncomfortable when someone's staring at you, huh," she said, facing back to her front. 

"What? No. I-I'm just... I can't believe I'm welcoming the new year with a girl."

Sky, You and I • Jeongyeon x TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now