15 - aurora; he is

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Fumbling through his bag for his phone, Taehyung hissed at how he has been so out of it for days. His head all over the place, with a pile of work due at different dates, errands his mom would thoughtlessly give him. 

It's a mess. He was a mess.

It's unusual for him to be in such chaos when organizing has become a habit of him. And it's pissing him off knowing something's changing in him.

Giving up, he turned his bag upside down, shook it as objects fall on the floor causing people around him to send him a look. 

His phone's missing, he widened his eyes and starts to panic yet he stood still. He went rigid before someone crouched down to pick his stuff in a careful manner.

Taehyung knelt over, tilting his head to see who it was, mouth falling open when he saw Min Yoongi in his usual straight face, clutching both his hands on his things.

"What were you looking for?" Yoongi asked, handing him the contents of his bag.

He took them, then shoved it inside and forced out a smile on him, "Uh.. my... phone?"

Yoongi nodded slowly, eyes dead-set on his face causing him to feel embarrassed for acting like that in front of him and everybody in the hallway.

His face felt hot and red when Yoongi's lips curved into a silly grin, then a smirk fell on his face. He shook his head in disbelief, "Is this a best friends thing? Between you and Park?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Yoongi began walking, and Taehyung skipped behind him.

"He tend to get distracted, overly anxious, panicky, always afraid of pretty much everything. Even a printing machine. Jimin was a jumpy puppy just like you."

"He was? Well, I didn't know about the printing machine. But yeah I guess it's a thing, like one thing we had in common."

The two kept walking, out of the building and down the stairs to the mini park. The campus was peaceful though students gather here and there, or maybe it's the weather.

It's cool, breezy spring and everywhere they look were colors. Taehyung didn't know how much Yoongi knew about Jimin, but he was sure being the attentive he was, he was about to learn brand new things about his best friend.

Yoongi went to sit on a bench at the mini park, and Taehyung sat next to him. The way he moved, though others find him intimidating and sometimes scary, Taehyung somehow felt at ease around him.

It's only the second time they met yet it seemed like he's known him for longer, he wondered if all who were close with Jimin would make him feel that way too. 

Maybe, it's a....  soulmates thing? 

Yoongi shrugged, "This is what I hate the most," Taehyung turned to him, "What?" 

Sky, You and I • Jeongyeon x TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now