05 - the moon meets the sky

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"Where are we?"

"This is where I live. Come."

Taehyung never liked being in cramped spaces. It's suffocating for him. It's why he always had his room locked whenever his cousins would come over and stay for vacation. His mom would force him to let them sleep in with him, because of how open it is. He hated it.

He noticed that the door is the only one on the fourth floor in green color. It's pretty cool, it must be her favorite, he thought. She crouched down, removed her boots, as Taehyung stood by the door. His eyes wandered around, there isn't much to see despite the place being cluttered.

The bathroom door is wide open, and he was shocked to see a small bath tub. How did this fit in here?  he thought. It obviously is a female's haven. There are tons of bottles of whatever those products are, little succulents hanging by the toilet. Beautifully decorated.

He turned to her, and she's still untangling the strings on her high heeled boots. His hands itched to offer some help, and before he could even say it, she called him.

"Uh, can you help me? These nails are new I don't wanna ruin it," she mumbled, a little pout on her face. He blinked at the act, and quickly stooped down.

"Thanks! Hmm, welcome to my den I guess?"

"Oh, you live here by yourself?" he asked, twisting the string with his fingers.

She sighed, "No, I have a roommate. I met her in cram school, I don't know where she went but I bet she's with her boyfriend," she said.

"There." he said, standing up and dusting off his pants.

"Cool, thanks again, come in. Feel at home," she answered as she stood up and made her way in. She cleaned the mess on the table while he sat down on the bed. He watched her throwing away cans of beer, scattered chips all over, and cigarette packs.

"How old are you?" he asked out of nowhere, he's been meaning to ask for awhile. She seemed younger than him, he really couldn't remember if Jimin mentioned her age.

"Eighteen since forever," she joked. "Didn't he tell you that?"

He shook his head and let out a smile. She shrugged, then tied the trash bag and put it down next to the kitchen sink. She wiped the table with a damp cloth, and washed her hands afterwards. He sat quietly, observing around.

It's relatively small, especially for two people. There's a balcony with the view of the crowded streets and alleyways. Since it's located in the middle of a busy district, there are neon lights and signs everywhere. It's dangerously pretty, as Taehyung thought of the possibility of drunkards lurking around at midnight.

Definitely not an ideal place for him. 

He looked back at her, and she came out of the bathroom and now dressed in sweatpants and a huge shirt.

Sky, You and I • Jeongyeon x TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now