23. eden is afraid of... you guessed it, giants

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Eden was absolutely through with being a "hero". Call it what you wish, there was just nothing enjoyable about going through countless hardships without even getting the credit you deserve. If they were lucky, the gods would tell them good job when this was all over. If they weren't, they'd get killed because Gaea would've taken over. Overall, it didn't seem like a very good choice; praise or an ending to suffering? 

Alas, she trudged on as they crawled through the drainpipe, still dripping wet from their witchy encounter. Thankfully, Percy led the way, and she was able to avoid any nasty spots as long as she opened her ears and listened to the boy's sounds of disgust. 

Thirty feet in, the tunnel opened wider and presented the group with a horrible creaking noise, like a machine in need of oiling.

Several hundred feet later, they reached a turn in the tunnel. Percy held up his hand, signaling Jason, Eden and Piper to wait. He peeked around the corner. 

After a couple moments of silence, Piper plucked up the courage to whisper, "What is it?"

After a gesture from Percy, they all stepped forward.

The corridor opened into a vast room with twenty-foot ceilings and rows of support columns. The creaking and rumbling came from huge gears and pulley systems that raised and lowered sections of the floor for no apparent reason. Water flowed through open trenches (After their previous situation, Eden wasn't too fond of the stuff. Thankfully she was a child of Hades.), powering waterwheels that turned some of the machines. Other machines were connected to huge hamster wheels with hellhounds inside. Suspended from the ceiling were cages of live animals—a lion, several zebras, a whole pack of hyenas, and even an eight-headed hydra. Ancient-looking bronze and leather conveyor belts trundled along with stacks of weapons and armor, like a mythological Amazon.

Leo would love this place, Eden thought wistfully. If only he were here now. She couldn't stop thinking about how dangerous the situation they were heading into would be, about how she didn't follow her heart because she let her fear get in the way. The next time Eden had a moment alone with Leo, if she lived long enough, she would kiss him. Well, maybe not kiss him, but maybe hold his hand or something. Or confess her feelings without any physical movements. 

About twenty feet inside the doorway, a life-size wooden cutout of a gladiator popped up from the floor. It clicked and whirred along a conveyor belt, got hooked on a rope, and ascended through a slot in the roof. Eden jumped at the sudden movement. 

Jason murmured, "What the heck?"

They stepped inside. There were several thousand things to look at, most of them in motion, but one good aspect of being an ADHD demigod was that they were comfortable with chaos. 

About a hundred yards away, she spotted a raised dais with two empty oversized praetor chairs. Standing between them was a bronze jar big enough to hold a person. Eden's heart leaped. It took everything in her to not burst out in a sprint.

afraid ツ l. valdezWhere stories live. Discover now