2. eden is afraid of bronze dragons

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(above- imagine this as eden's bracelet, except there's a skull in the middle. sorry it's not exactly as I described it.

Eden awoke up to her skull shaped alarm clock that she didn't recall setting blaring at her

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Eden awoke up to her skull shaped alarm clock that she didn't recall setting blaring at her. She reached out blindly and smacked buttons until it stopped. When she sat up, she looked down confusedly at the blood red sheets until last nights events came rushing back to her.

After the campers reluctantly bowed down to her, they quickly filed out of the Amphitheater, leaving Eden paralyzed from shock, but she still caught snippets of their gossip.

"Who even is she?" from one of the Aphrodite girls.

"She's been in the Hermes cabin so long, I thought she was one of us!" obviously from a Hermes kid.

"Makes sense that she's related to Nico." snickered one of the Apollo kids. ("Hey, I don't think Nico's bad!" said Will Solace)

Chiron briefly spoke to her about something, but she was in too much of a daze to remember what it was about.

One thing she did remember, though, was Annabeth helping her gather her things and move them into cabin thirteen. Though she had never once talked to Eden in her life, she helped the dazed girl sort out her things and pack her for the quest. She probably set the alarm too, because she couldn't have known that Eden slept late.

Now that she had slightly recovered, she was able to finally get a good look around. The room was so dark it made Eden slightly uncomfortable. There were no windows cut into the dark obsidian walls and the only light came from the torches lit with green Greek fire. There were six coffin shaped beds covered in blood red velvet sheets and made out of mahogany wood with brass railings. Each bed had unique carvings, hers with different arrangements of bones. Each coffin had mahogany shelving above it, and cubbies underneath. In one corner there was a shrine covered in bones and jewels, but that was as far as decoration went. Only one other bed seemed in use, and there were a couple camp tees in the shelves above it.

The daughter of Hades dressed in baggy black cargo pants, a striped long sleeve shirt and an orange camp tee on top.

'Wow, really fitting the Hades aethstetic' She thought, looking in the bathroom mirror.

She had just been about to go to the armory to find an okay dagger when Eden remembered the bracelet. Her father didn't seem like the type to give his children random gifts, so it had to have a purpose.

She pulled the jewelry off of her wrist, wanting to examine it. Except as soon as it left Eden's skin, it started to to morph.

Rather than a black skull bracelet, in Eden's hand was a six foot tall black weapon. The very bottom sat nearly flat on the ground, but if you inspected it closely you could see six razor sharp spikes. About five feet up, the metal rod split off into three prongs sitting in a fork fashion. The taller middle prong sat straight while the other two curved. In the middle, the rod curved perfectly to fit her large hands.

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