1. eden is afraid of prophecies.

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Eden awoke late in the afternoon to the sun shining in the window of the Hermes cabin

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Eden awoke late in the afternoon to the sun shining in the window of the Hermes cabin. Nearly all of the other campers were already out and about doing their daily activities. Eden, however, preferred to stay in and get her beauty sleep.

She groggily got out of her bed and stumbled towards the bathroom to get ready. Seeing as most campers had been claimed after the war, she had moved from her spot on the floor to a recently vacant bed. Most campers, meaning everyone but her.

After Percy Jackson made his deal with the gods, all of the unclaimed became claimed by their godly parents, but for some reason, her parent decided to go against their oath and leave her ignored.

After dressing in some stylish two-toned jean shorts and a striped halter top, Eden walked out of cabin eleven and stood in front of the door.

Camp Half-Blood had been her home since she was eleven, when her dad had been brutally murdered by some homophobic hooligans lurking around the pride parade. Yes, her dad was bisexual, and if you had a problem with that then go away.

While Eden wasn't too emotionally attached to the place, she did appreciate how homey it was. The new omega shape of cabins was far more aesthetically pleasing than a regular old U, and the Big House radiated safety (except for the attic where the Oracle used to reside, she had heard from other campers that it was creepy). The dining pavilion and amphitheater had some good memories, she supposed. Her favorite part of camp, though, was the strawberry fields.

Her father was all about strawberries, so the smell that lingered around camp always gave her a sense of safety.

The sound of swords clanging brought Eden out of her thoughts, making her flinch. Swords were scary in her opinion, and even though she had heard the sound countless times, it still made her flinch.

"Look out!"

"Hey, what's that?"

"It's headed for the lake!"

"Hey Will, isn't that your chariot?"

Eden looked up into the sky and saw something hurdling down at an alarming rate, aiming for the lake. She realized with a start that it was the Apollo cabin's chariot, and that half of it was on fire. Eden ran towards the edge of the lake to join the already large crowd.

The chariot hit the water with a large splash! and splattered the front row with droplets. A burly kid Eden recognized to be Butch from the Iris cabin resurfaced immediately and began to cut the pegasi free from their reins.  Annabeth Chase, a muscular tan teenager with bright blonde hair and striking blue eyes, and a slender latino boy with curly brown hair and brown eyes were thrown out of the lake and dried off with giant blow dryers. A moment later, a native american girl with choppy brown hair and multicolored eyes was hurled onto shore and also dried,

afraid ツ l. valdezWhere stories live. Discover now