4. eden is afraid of her powers

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Leo passed them some sandwiches from his pack, which made Eden realize how fatigued she was

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Leo passed them some sandwiches from his pack, which made Eden realize how fatigued she was. She was used to getting at least ten hours of sleep and eating three meals a day.

He'd been quiet ever since they'd told him what happened in the throne room. "I still can't believe Khione," he said. "She looked so nice."

"Trust me, man," Jason said. "Snow may be pretty, but up close it's cold and nasty. We'll find you a better prom date."

Eden didn't see Leo glance briefly at her, but Piper did.

The group was silent, each thinking on their own.

Eden thought about how even though their trip was extremely terrifying, but she also enjoyed the rush it gave her. She'd been doing the same thing for about six years- train. She had never been good at sword fighting or archery, so she mostly stuck to hand-to-hand combat. It paid off, too. Eden might not look it, but she was extremely strong. She could bench press up to one hundred ninety pounds, and had a sturdy six-pack. In her mind, she wasn't training to defeat Greek monsters. She was training to defeat mortals, like the ones who killed her dad.

Up until the Titan war, she never found monsters too intimidating. Sure, they were described as scary, but she had never actually fought one. But facing the army, that was a whole knew fear. She'd started training more with her dagger after, and she was even getting better, but she packed a better punch. She wondered if they had any knuckle spikes in the weapons shed- that is, if her trident didn't work out. It wasn't a common weapon at camp, and there was probably only one in the shed.

The trident felt like it was made for her. Her hand fit in the grip well, and the weapon was perfectly balanced. It barely even felt like she was holding anything. The only thing that worried her was that she had never used anything like it. If it came down to a battle, that would be her only weapon.

"Hey Eden, why don't you go to sleep? You can lean against me." Leo whispered to her.

Her mind said 'No, don't lay against him! You're too vulnerable!' but her body begged. With a full belly and no real excitement, her body felt sluggish.

So Eden gently lay her head against Leo's hunched back and quickly fell asleep.

Now, Eden never really experienced the famous informative demigod dreams. Which honestly surprised her, because whether she had known or not, she was kind of important as a child of the Big Three.

Yet here she was, staring at some place bustling with teenagers. It reminded her of of Camp Half Blood, in a way. People were sword fighting with odd gold weapons, ghosts were floating around, in the architecture was weird.

She inspected one of the fighting pairs. They looked pretty normal. They were fit, tan, and very skilled in their fighting. But they were wearing purple t-shirts like the one Jason showed up in, and upon further inspection, they also had tattoos similar to his. Maybe this was where Jason was from?

afraid ツ l. valdezWhere stories live. Discover now