Chapter 7 - The Double Date

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3rd Person POV
"Let's go bowling" Tikki exclaimed, "sure what exactly is bowling" Marinette asked trusting Tikki wouldn't suggest something stupid. Tikki facepalmed and Adrien and Plagg just looked confused. The game was quite famous it must have been a shock that Marinette had never heard of it.

"Oh yeah that's right you lived under the-" Plagg was cut if by Tikki slapping her tiny hand over his mouth. "Adrien can teach you" Tikki volunteered him, gesturing towards the blonde who just stared in confusion.

Time skip at the Bowling alley 🎳

Adrien's POV
We arrived at the closest bowling alley to my house, it was big and fancy well for a bowling alley at least. But that didn't come as a surprise because I do live in quite a rich part of Paris.

After we logged our name into the computer system that keeps the scores we attempted to play. Plagg went first and was surprisingly good, he even managed to get a strike. Bluebell was next and I had no idea what to expect.

She easily picked up the dark blue ball which was the heaviest of them all, but somehow managed to drop it. Leaving a small crack on the floor. Marinette scratched the back of her neck nervously before picking the ball up, as the crack magically disappeared right before my very own eyes.

I managed to convince myself that I was just imagining things, and for the next hour we just enjoyed the game. It was around 4:30, we all agreed that we were hungry and decided to go to a near by bakery.

From the outside the place looked cozy. The walls were see through, so I was able to tell that the cafe/ bakery wasn't too crowded. The sign was black and it went around the hexagonish shaped building. And at the top in gold writing read 'The Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie'.

Marinette did't seem to fond to go but Tikki convinced her it was alright.

3rd Person POV
Once they were all sat in the cafe Marinette stared out of the window, avoinding eye contact with not just the workers but also her friends.

She hand a history with this cafe, it was named after her late parents. Even though it had been six years even the slightest reminders of them would force the walls around her heart to go back up. Marinette has trust issues, major trust issues. That was one of the reasons she couldn't speak to other people or come off as shy.

The reason she was unable to speak as school was for a similar reason, a few months after Marinette was forced to be homeschooled there was a massive explosion at her school killing most of her friends, teachers and even enemies.

As soon as she stepped into a school her defences went up. Meanwhile Tikki knew about this, but though it would be a good idea to help her friend overcome her fear. Tikki also knew that when this happened Marinette's would completely ignore her friends as a way of driving them away.

And Tikki simply couldn't let that happen, her being friends with Adrian. He was the first person she opened up to in years, and as a good friend and protector Tikki was going to help. And if Marinette got a hot boyfriend in the process who was to say it's a bad thing?

About 30 minutes passed and Marinette was still in her daze, Adrian didn't seem to mind he didn't even try to snap her out of it. Tikki ended up ordering for Marinette, as she knew all of her friends preferences.

Even after the food was served Marinette didn't look away from the window, she carefully picked up a for and started eating. She didn't even glance at the food yet somehow managed to eat neatly.

Tikki knew why she was sad. Tikki knew she didn't want to be in the cafe. Tikki knew she regretted leaving her home. Tikki how hard it was for her to socialise. Tikki knew she didn't trust humans. Tikki knew everything.........

But, being the amazing friend she was Tikki dragged Plagg to a cheese store opposite the bakery. Abandoning her friend in a cafe that she was scared of, with her crush. Not to mention in an unknown city that Marinette was still quite new to. She truly was a great friend.

Plagg's POV
Tikki suddenly  excused us from the table and dragged me away which was annoying, because I hadn't finished eating my Camembert pizza. The smell left my nose as we got closer to the door, and the taste left my mouth as I gulped on the piece I put in my mouth before I got dragged out.

It wasn't all bad, I mean other than the fact that I had to leave my lovey gooey creamy delicious Camebert. But if I look on the bright side we left the bill to Adrien and his girlfriend. On top of that me and Tikki seem to be headed in the direction of a fancy cheese shop.

Which left a clueless Adrien and a spaced out Marinette alone..

A/N: Do you spell Adrien or Adrian ? I noticed my spelling of the name was inconsistent.
Thank you for reading this book is no longer on hold, I'm sorry for not updating I was travelling, than I got stuck so yeah. I hope you enjoyed.

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