Chapter 4 - Your an Orphan ?

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The Next Day, At Lunch Time

Adrien's POV
"You. Can talk?" I asked over and over in disbelief as me and Marinette made our way  to the cafeteria . "Yes" she replied casually every time I asked, when I finally snapped out of my daze I decided to ask, why she didn't speak a lot.

"I only talk to people I trust" was her reply, which didn't make sense. How can you learn to trust someone if you refuse to speak to them. "You trust me ?" I asked surprised "of-coarse your my friend" she replied sweetly, "plus your Aunt Em's son" Marinette added enthusiastically.

I chuckled at her excitement honestly it was really cute. "So how exactly do you know my mum?" I asked whilst opening the large cafeteria door. "Oh that, she was my mums best friend" Bluebell replied smiling.

It was weird to see her happy, before we became friends she always looked depressed. "What do you mean was?", did they stop being friends or something. Before she could reply we found ourselves sitting at a bench table with Nino and Alya opposite us.

Marinette stopped talking the second we got close to the table, even though she wasn't shy she didn't fully trust them. "Hi guys/Hey dude and dudette" Dj WiFi said in unison, normally I don't call them that but Rose insists that all ships are called by their rightful names, whatever that means.

Bluebell smiled and waved and I just decided to the same. Nino and I were in the middle of a conversation and so were Mari and Alya, well more like Alya talking and Marinette nodding every now and then to show she was listening. Chloe was walking up to us and Alya was warning Bluebell about her.

"Seriously, I'm telling you, stay away from Chloe she's bad news" Alya repeated and just like last time Marinette waved her hand dismissively. She obviously didn't know how Chloe manipulates people, or maybe she just didn't care.

The brat had made it clear that she strongly disliked Bluebell and it was clear that  the feeling was mutual. Chloe walked up to Marinette with a glass of water in her hands, she obviously knew Bluebell was afraid of water. Since I was sitting opposite Bluebell, I could see Chloe but she couldn't.

I was about to alert her but it was a little to late for my liking, as the cup was about to fall on her head. The cup fell slowly not tipping any water. Each inch closer it got to her head the more she acted like nothing was happening, and that worried me.

Chloe, even though she wasn't that tall managed to drop the glass from about 8 feet, if it landed on her head there could be some serious damage. Almost the entire year was now staring in shock and disbelief that Chloe would do something so horrible.

But alas the cup was still falling, even though time seemed to have stopped. Everyone watched with wide eyes as Marinette smiled not noticing the cup full of water that was coming her way. With one swift move Marinette's hand was in the air, palm facing the ceiling.

Her expression still the same, nobody saw what was coming next. She moved her hand down pushing the cup down, making it fly in the opposing direction.

Which just so happened to be where Chloe was standing. Time went back to normal but as soon as I saw Chloe it stopped again. The cup summersaulted over her head, the process causing the water to be dumped on her head before falling to the floor shattering besides her.

3rd Person POV
Chloe was furious, honestly that was an understatement. The screech she let out made everyone block their ears, and you could see blood coming out of the ears of those who didn't. "You could've killed me" she screamed at Bluebell who just shrugged in response "you tried to do the same thing to me, I would call it even" Marinette replied emotionlessly back still turned to Chloe.

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