Chapter 9 - Movie night

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(Just to clarify this is before they got called for dinner)

After Marinette returned Adrien's phone to him, they decided to watch a movie. Plagg suggested they watched 'it' because apparently he lived under a rock and had never heard of the movie till a few days prior.

Tikki was against it as she wasn't quite foundof horror movies. Plagg wasn't aware that it was a horror movie but was interested none the less once he found out. Luckily Adrien had the DVD of the film.

"So, any objections" Adrien asked as he picked up the DVD from a shelf, "I personally think we should watch something else" Tikki objectified nervously. It was obvious she was against it, but Plagg couldn't care less.

"Objection overruled" Plagg stated proudly, before proceeding to snatch the slim rectangular box from Adrien and shoving it into the TV. Marinette looked back at Tikki concerned, but she arrived her that she was ok.

They pushed the table back and brought the sofa closer, Tikki and Plagg sat on opposite ends of the sofa and Adrienette sat on the floor in front of the television.

Tikki swore to herself she would try. She would try his best to withhold his screams of terror, to minimize trembling, to try to enjoy the movie rather than dread all 8,100 seconds of horror.

But that didn't last long. Nearly jumping at the title screen was certainly not a good start.

This is not going to work Who am I kidding, Tikki thought as she covered her eyes.

"Tikki?" There was a soft whisper by his ear. On edge, she whisked his head around just to find Plagg staring at her intently, sincere concern flooding his eyes. "Are you ok?"

Tikki laughed nervously "of course why wouldn't I be" she replied visibly trembling.  "Your clutching my hand" he replied blankly blinking a few times. "Just bear with it", "it's our fault we had to watch this anyway" Tikki added, mumbling and pouting slightly.

Tikki tightened her grip. Not to a painful degree, but enough so that Plagg felt an immediate rush of warmth to his cheeks. And it was a good thing Tikki didn't look into his eyes just then. That would most likely have been an instant KO.

At Pennywise the clown's first appearance, the fear-filled Tikki latched onto Plagg's arm, pulling herself closer and closer every time anything relatable scary appeared on the screen, which was quite often. About 25 minutes into the movie the red-haired girl had his arms fully wrapped around him, and they both remained that way for the remainder of the movie.

Meanwhile Marinette was way to distracted, and though the movie was almost over she knew nothing about it.

Adrien had nerves of steel. No trace of fear was present on his face, not even when he would say aloud, "that was scary." Instead of fear, there was pure excitement present accompanied by a big smile and his wide, emerald brightened eyes.

It were as if he was anticipating something exciting around every corner and was not once disappointed. Marinette didn't know how he could do it. If it wasn't for the fact that she was so distracted she would've been cowering. It was oddly calming, though - Adrien's expression, not the movie. In the soft glow of the screen, Adrien looked even more beautiful, smile outlined by a flickering light, because as everyone knows flickering lights are compulsory in all and I mean all horror films. It was distracting. Just as she had feared, Adrien's beauty was distracting.

"Dinner Time!"


"Adrien, Marinette" She was quite annoyed by this point

Emilie had enough and basically stomped upstairs. After what felt like forever to Tikki but a mere few minutes to Adrien, the voice of an annoyed Emilie was heard.

No one heard her the first time as they were all busy doing their own thing. Adrien and Plagg were to engrossed in the movie, Tikki was so scared and paranoid that she had blocked any outside sounds. And last but not least Marinette was asleep, guess she was still tired from earlier.

When she finally managed to grab the attention of the four teens the movie was already over. After they all ate dinner, Plagg and Tikki returned to their Kwami forms and Adrien commented something along the lines of 'I almost forgot they were Kwami's'.

Marinette went home, though she was held captive as Emilie refused to let her leave alone. She insisted Adrien took her home. Mari insisted that she was fine to go home alone, but of corse that answer was not good enough for Adrien's mother.

After arguing back and forth Marinette gave in, as she soon realised that she would never get home if it continued like this.

I am soo sorry for not updating , and I'm sorry for the short chapter, I have been soo busy with school I forgot about writing. Thanks for reading, I hope you have enjoyed the book so far. I also apologise for the inconsistent writing style, I kind of got lazy towards the end. Pls comment any improvements you think I can make, Yeah that's pretty much it. Please comment and vote it motivates me to update.


Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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The crash - Miraculous ladybug (Mermaid AU) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon