Chapter 2 - Making friends and enemies

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Weeks had passed since the new girl arrived, she didn't talk to anyone, yet she managed to make a few enemies. The boys didn't like the fact that she ignored them when they flirted with her, and the girls were jealous of her good looks.

Though most students disliked her for no apparent reason, where as Chloe and Lila claimed she was stealing Adrien. It was true Adrien was the only person she did not brush off, and she loved the fact that he still talked to her even though she didn't talk back.

Bluebell was not rude so if someone approached her she would nod in acknowledgement, or make hand gestures, but most of her talking was done through her eyes.

Adrien's POV
The past few weeks Chloe hadn't done anything to Bluebell which was getting suspicious, considering how much she hated this girl. It was made very clear that the feeling was mutual between the two girls, but I for one thought that Chloe would use the fact that she had aqua phobia against her.

"We are here" grunted gorilla, my driver/bodyguard as the limo approached the school. He got out of the drivers seat and walked around the car until he reached my side before opening the door for me. I inhaled sharply before thanking gorilla and exiting the car.

As per usual there were a bunch of Lila worshipers crowding the entrance. Once I had pushed past them I got to class which was deserted, only one person was there. Her hands were folded on the table and her head was rubbing against the side of her arms. She was looking out of the window playing with a loose strand of blue hair.

"Good morning" i said trying to be cheerful but my mind was on my parents. They had promised to be back for my birthday, but got caught up in work as usual. She turned her head slightly so that her mouth was being covered by her arm. 'You too' I think that is what she said, she mumbled quietly, and the fact that her arm was covering her mouth made what she said inaudible.

After I sat down in my seat besides her she fully turned to me and smiled. My jaw dropped not because of how beautiful her smile was but the fact that she could smile. Never once in the 3 months that she had been at this school had she smiled. I just assumed she was depressed or something.

A few minutes of staring at her in shock later, "you can smile" i barely managed to mutter. "Yeah, you looked sad" Bluebell replied shrugging "you feel emotions" I joked, she giggled slightly but stopped as the door opened.

"Who are you talking to adrikins" Chloe screeched, I'm still surprised my ears weren't bleeding. I had no way to get away from Chloe so I simply pointed at Bluebell, "you can talk " she exclaimed in her usual annoying tone. Bluebell rolled her eyes which was a big mistake because it pissed Chloe off.

Maybe she didn't know about Chloe's power or there was a chance that she just didn't care. "How dare you roll you eyes at me do you know who I am" she screamed in annoyance but was only met with silence. This girl really knew how to get on Chloe's nerves. "I am Chloe bourgeoiś"

This time Bluebell reacted differently this time she started shaking not in fear but anger, luckily for me the bell rang before someone got the chance to kill anyone. She had a problem with the bourgeois and I was determined to find out why.

Two boring English and Science lessons later (this is break by the way)

I was walking alone in the hallways when someone bumped into me. Almost face planting into the floor, with one swift move I was able to catch her it was still a close call. "Careful Bluebell" I said as I helped her up, she raised an eyebrow at the name "I don't know your name and it's better then 'new girl'" I explained.

"Anyway do you want to eat lunch with me and my friends" I asked bashfully, I had asked her before and she declined, but we got closer she even spoke to me today so I had a feeling she would accept the offer.

"Sure, and by the way it's Marinette" she replied cheerfully, this was the first time I had seen this side of her. Marinette such a beautiful name which suits her pretty smile, and she is one of my friends I am so lucky.(idiot)

We walked to the cafeteria together and stopped at a table where Alya and Nino were sitting. Marinette looked relived but then again I don't blame her the rest of the school other then Alya and Nino had been less then nice to her.

After school while I was waiting for the limo I saw Marinette standing under the shade of the school. I looked forward to see rain, and remembered she had aqua phobia it must be really hard for her when it rains I thought to myself feeling bad for her. Thats probably why she wasn't leaving the shade, she didn't want to get wet.

Lightning struck as the storm grew and rain poured. Marinette looked scared to get wet stepping back slightly making sure not a drop touched her. Grey clouds filled the sky as I saw the limo pull up to the school.

Glancing at Marinette before looking over at car. I walked to her and handed her an umbrella, she gladly accepted it and for a brief moment our hand rubbed against each other causing both of us to blush.

She was shocked at why I had given it to her and after about a minute of standing there in silence the umbrella closed in on her trapping her inside. I couldn't help but chuckle, after lifting the side of the umbrella slightly so it was no longer covering her face she giggled.

"Th..thanks" Bluebell stammered smiling gratefully "no problem". I turned around about to leave but stopped when I felt someone tugging on my wrist. "Wait" Marinette said quietly but Loud enough for me to hear.

When I had fully turned her direction I saw her getting something from her backpack. Though I was in the rain I didn't mind waiting. "Happy birthday" she exclaimed full of excitement holding out a wrapped present. "Thank you, but how did you know it's my birthday" I asked skeptically,  Mari pointed at Alya and Nino who where standing a few feet away from us soaking wet.

And after that we went our separate ways. I was so happy she had remembered my birthday even I had forgotten about it, as I was too busy sulking over the fact that my parents couldn't make it. When I opened the car door I was in for the biggest surprise of my life, mum and dad.

A/N I am so sorry for not updating in a week, I was unwell but I am better now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and my umbrella scene I know I changed it a lot, and that is because I am not good at descriptive writing. I will try to update once or twice a week from now on. Thanks for reading. 1253 words

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