Chapter 5 - The trip

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Adrien's POV
Marinette hadn't come to school for the past 2 weeks and things wet back to normal, the way it was before she came. And it was boring. Mum told me that she was going to school today, and I didn't bother asking how she knew.

At least Marinette is coming

Once I arrived, I headed straight to class even tho a majority of the students were still scattered around the hall. Plus I wanted to speak to Marinette.

"Good morning" I greeted as I entered the classroom, and just like a few weeks ago Mari was the only one there. I guess mum was right about her coming today, I wonder how she knew.

Bluebell muffled a 'hello' as I sat in my assigned seat next to her. "Where have you been for the past two weeks?" I asked cautiously as she already seemed tired and upset. She looked as if she hadn't slept in days.

"I was avoiding Kagami and Luka" she replied looking up smiling. "Um.. who exactly are they?" Marinette had never mentioned them. "There are my um..guar... I mean friends" she said giggling nervously.

I nodded confused at her reaction but shrugged it off. Bluebell was about to say something but the loud ringing of the bell cut her off. Sighing Marinette lay her head back on the table facing the window as the students began to clutter the classroom.

"Quiet down class" Mrs Busteir  ordered cutting students conversations short. "I have an exciting announcement to make" Mrs continued, causing a few cheers to be heard.

Everyone was ecstatic, except for Bluebell. She looked like she was about to fall asleep. "Our class has the opportunity to have a class trip to Hawaii" Mrs Bustier exclaimed generating even more cheers the before.

"Also, you will only have two free lessons. Then you will be sent home to pack as the trip is in three days. Understood". A mix of 'yes' 'humph' 'yeah' and was heard.

As soon as Mrs finished with the announcement Alya and Nino turned around to face me and Marinette who was half asleep at this point. "Is she asleep" asked Alya pointing at Mari

"I'm awake" Mari replied her eyes still closed, "is she sleep talking" Nino asked making me and Alya facepalm "she literally just said she was awake" Alya exclaimed punching Nino lighlty.

And for the next hour we chatted played games, in which Marinette fell asleep halfway through. Time flew by and I had barley noticed the second bell ringing, indicating it was time to go home.

Everyone started to pack up their things, and thats when I remembered what my mum asked me. "Hey Mari" I call out shaking her awake slightly. "Yeah" she muttered sitting up, a few loose strands of her hair were spread across her face and the rest was in a loose pony tail.

"My mum wanted me to invite you to our house after school, are you free?" I asked nervously, it was a really weird request I don't know why she couldn't ask her herself. "Sure, but does she know that school is finishing 4 hours earlier" she asked sweetly.

"Um..I have a feeling she knew" I reassured her. "Have fun on your date"Alya sang standing up while picking up her backpack. "w.what I didn't even invite her, my mum did" I explained blushing, and they didn't seem to wonder how Marinette knew my mother.

As soon as we got to the car Marinette fell asleep almost instantly, and her head somehow found its way to my shoulder. Plagg came out of my computer bag and was floating in front of me. "oooh Adrienette I ship it" he teased, still as annoying as ever.

"I thought people weren't allowed to see you" I asked averting the topic. "She is Sleeping it's fine, plus I know her" Plagg said calmly. "Wait, What" I almost shouted, before noticing Marinette sleeping on my shoulder. I instantly clamped my hands over my mouth.

"So Prince Charming doesn't want to wake up Sleeping Beauty " Plagg sang flying Bach into my bag, honestly I was too annoyed to blush. This would be one long car ride, at least Marinette was asleep.

Hey, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please comment any improvements, ideas or mistakes. The next chapter will be pure Adrienette so stay tuned. Thanks for reading it means a lot.
Bye 740 words

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