Chapter 1: Nice to meet you

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Sitting in a therapist's office is not really how we envisioned our day off. I was thinking a relaxing day at home or sitting by the lake and reading a nice book, but thanks to recent events in my life, we found ourselves needing a little bit of extra help to resolve our problematic behaviour.

Our behaviour isn't really the problem, it's more so that we can't agree on how to respond to a situation and that is what's problematic. It's always one extreme or the other. A seemingly small altercation, such as being cut off in traffic or unwelcome advances from a stranger can cause a multitude of irrational reactions. Do we sink into ourselves and take on the blame for their actions or are we outraged and feel compelled to give them a piece of our mind?

When the issue at hand is presented to us, there is no compromising, there is no brainstorming on what is the best way to handle it, there's just chaos. There's just a piece of paper with today's agenda on the table. There's just me, my selves and I. 

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