Symphonic Noise

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No noise is chaotic.
No sound is "noise"---
       as negatively bracketed in your subjective mind.
There is only passion
Or despondence in notes;
The choir master orchestrating a tale.

Jarring keys and shrieking chords
Derailed peace and wrought discord
Not because of lunacy or fool's play
But ignorance- yours- on its say.

Blame cannot be held by any; some odes are for one.
It is an unchangeable truth:
That there is always a misunderstood pair, thought, or group
Their tale entitled by later generations as
"Symphonic Noise".

A/N: A Mini Instagram Poetry Contest

Topic Phrase: Symphonic Noise

Maximum Number of Lines- 15


Pathfinders: Poet's WhatsApp Group under Earnest Writers

A top 7 Finalist

A top 7 Finalist

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