Snowy Time. 3rd February, 2013.

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I was working. I was focused. I was planning my future and calming myself of worries. Then I looked out the window and the sounds of the house began to dim.

I couldn't hear the heat generator humming softly in the next room.

I couldn't hear the vacuum cleaner Dad was using in his bedroom.

I couldn't hear myself breathe the comforting and relaxing lullaby of life.

I could only hear the snow. Heavenly drifting; it is like watching a miracle. The white-clear winds blow so passionately it is enchanting to watch the crystals dance.

Then I envied the wind; so free as it was, for its freedom of expression. It could go anywhere, anyhow; as a blessing or a curse, yet so happily. Though confined within a packet of space, the wind feels so content. Is it because it has nothing else, nowhere else but this world, or is it because it can be itself, no matter the time, place, or form?

The wind has eased and time seems irrelevant in the snow. It's beautiful.
The grass is always greener on the other side but that doesn't mean that it doesn't come with its weeds. From here the magic of winter seems so inviting, so innocent and harmless, so charming, and yet the chill of wind bites our skin and the snow irritates our eyes. Every rose has a thorn as every beauty has a flaw. But there is a truth that can escape this fact.

Go into the snow when time ceases to exist.
Open your heart and take a look at your horizons.
One can see the heavens from here.
Let the wind be feeble and resting, let the crystals continue to fall, let your happiness remember this memory, let the winter be a warmth in your life.

Snow is a blessing.

The sun has gone, the stars are sleeping
Now the clouds come not to pass
The sky is pale, the moon is missing
Now the trees are bare at last
The clouds are silver, they are weeping
Now time comes not to pass
The tears are crystals, they are gleaming
Now heaven is on earth at last.

A/N: Edited- 13th March, 2019.

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