Quiet Time Revelation: The Rewards of Communion

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April 26th, 2020

I once had that continuously yearning excited heart for world change
Now I'm lax and the echo is only remaining to prove mine still beats
What happened?
Was I afraid the swelling of loving feelings rippling with each movement of His
Would explode my body?
Was I afraid the selfless feelings applied would come to nothing?
Expressed would fade into the abysmal world- unchanged.
My heart...worthless?

Ah. Fear.
(I see now. It's been a while.)
Though...I am amazed.
How did you cloak yourself as apathy?

"My prayer is that God would fill our hearts with that sense of excitement and expectation as we come to fellowship with him each day. Come to each quiet-time with that expectation and see if the Lord does not reward your seeking him."


- Quote Source: Bible.org -

- QT Topic: "Quiet Time" -

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