Chapter 18 - ROSY POV

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Today it is not the silence that is uncomfortable, but its the look on his bruised face that is sending shivers down my spine. It is the look of death in his eyes and the grinding of his teeth. I wish I could be saying something to thaw the cold icy  look. Every time I make up my mind to say something, my voice gets caught in my throat.
His eyes look like pits of fire. I on the other hand am holding on to the steering wheel like my life depends on it. I don't like driving at this late hour and the mood in this car is not helping. The difficulty of balancing my eyes drifting to him and focusing on the road is insane.

I start breathing a lot calmer when his giant gates comes into view. His security opens and i drive in. I'm glad because the air is heavy.

Before the car comes to a complete halt, he is already hopping off. Talk about being in a sour mood. I open the window and sit back while a cool breeze rushes in.

"Phone rings"

"Hey Rosy" the voices oozes in hot through the phone. It never gets old. The strength and manliness in his voice always does something to me that's comforting. I hug my phone so tightly.

"Hello, What did I say about calling me at late hours." I say with a smile tugging a my lips.

"My bad, i just couldn't wait to here your sweet, soothing voice." He says like always the cheesiness .

"So what do you want monsieur?" I ask

"I just wanted to tell you that im going back to my country. It's sad because im going back forever. It's urgent and i can't come and see you for the last time before going."

"Really? Can't we just make a quick plan or something?" Feeling a little disappointed.

"I wish it was possible, im leaving tomorrow evening." He answers and my heart breaks.

"Oooh, so soon? When will I ever see you again?" I say while getting out of the car with a sad look on my face.

"I don't know but i promise to keep annoying you with my endless calls and text messages"

I smile because he is the most annoying caller. He calls everyday , sometimes even more than once.

"And I promise to keep pretending that i hate it when you do that." I say with a smile. "Anyways have a safe trip."

"Thank you."

"Okay aur revoir."

"Aur revoir Rosy."

After the short call with Raphael, i hesitate for a while before walking towards the house. The large doors are beautiful and majestic. Everytime I walk through them I feel like im entering a palace.

The house is dead silent. The only sound I hear is my shoes clicking on the floor.

"Jack! Jaaack?!" I shout. Walking around the silent empty rooms .

"Seriously Jack it is sooo annoying. If you didn't want to talk to me or see me, then why am i here?" I ask while wondering the rooms of the house.

"Jack?!" I shout one more time before finding him on the floor meddling with the first aid kit. He has been ignoring me the whole time.

This has to be his room. I can sense it. It's bigger than your entire imagination. I think my mom's house can fit in here. It's so beautifully plain unlike the other rooms that are adorned with expensive decorations. Not a single decoration on the walls, headboard or anywhere. Regardless of its nakedness it still looked elegantly beautiful.

I just stood there in awe of the room forgetting to attend to my client on the floor. Maybe I'm just ignoring him because of his deadly silence. I kneel infront him and start nursing his wounds.

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