"No no... I'm fine... I need to get up." He mumbled and grunted as he rolled on his side with his arm. He grunted as he struggled to sit up but he was trying. It was as if he wasn't used to it, as if the injury was more recent. 

Ratchet came back to his side and pressed his hands against his back, helping him sit up. "When did this happen to you?" He asked quietly. 

"Um..." he mumbled as he thought about it. He grunted quietly as he winced and rubbed his shoulder. "A couple months ago?" He asked unsure of when it actually happened. "I don't know. It doesn't matter." He said as he smiled slightly. "They're alive and that's the most important thing. I'm her guardian after all." He said and grinned.

The medic blinked, watching him. He nodded a little. "Yes, yes you are." He said in quiet agreement. He smiled a tiny bit and helped him stand up. "Hungry?" He asked gently, wanting to continue helping the man.

"Yes actually. Thank you." He said as he smiled slightly and walked with him out to the other room. Miko smiled as she saw him and they led him to the couch by Wheeljack. The man seemed happy and didn't care about his missing arm. They others spoke for a while and ate then looked up as someone knocked on the door. Miko said she would get it and opened it only to fall to her knees as she screamed in surprise and cried. Jack was in a wheelchair as Ethan pushed him and Riley had a few other things. They let him go home and he was a little stronger. Miko sobbed and hugged her husband tightly, as he buried his face in her and sobbed as well.

Ratchet blinked in surprise seeing Jack and smiled, glad to see him home. He went over and breathed in relief. "Primus... I'm glad you are awake still and here." He muttered as he rubbed his head gently, looking to the two with a smile. 

Jack smiled at his step father and nodded slowly. "As am I." He chuckled softly and let them help him in. He wasn't quite strong enough to stand on his own. When Miko had let him go, he took the wheelchair from Ethan and wheeled him inside. Ratchet helped Riley bring the things in as Hunter and Adrien rushed over. 

"Dad!" Hunter exclaimed, relieved to see him. He hugged him happily, starting to tear up. He was so happy to see his father. Jack cried out in surprise and relief when he saw his boys. He hugged them tightly and sobbed as he gripped their shirts. He was so happy to see them alive. After a while they let go and took him to the other couch. They helped him sit on it and sat around him. Crying and hugging him as they talked. 

The doctor smiled a bit, coming over with plates of dinner and setting it in front of them two by two. Hunter thanked him and began to dig in, starving. Adrien ate slowly, smiling brightly and they talked together. Ratchet sat down on the loveseat and watched them happily, setting his plate in his lap. He was glad everyone was together. It made him forget June for a while as he began talking to them too.

The family spoke for a while and Ethan got a call. He spoke to Riley and they left. They came back an hour later and had Bumblebee with them. He had been released as well and had been given a bill of health. Fowler had pulled a lot of strings. Bumblebee walked in and his eyes widened in surprise. 

"Bee!" Bulkhead boomed and stood up. The scout rushed over and hugged him tightly then looked at him as he sobbed. He gripped his missing shoulder and cried more. He then felt his face and hugged him again as he sobbed. "It's okay... I'm okay..." he whispered quietly as he rubbed the young man's back. Wheeljack chuckled and hugged him as the scout looked over to him. He hugged the other wrecker and tried not to cry again.

Ratchet smiled at them, relief flowing through him again as he was glad he was alright. Sari grinned brightly at them, chuckling softly. "Now, now, I don't have an endless supply of tissues." She teased lightly as she made another plate for Bumblebee, bringing it to the coffee table they were by. 

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