Chap 10

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The crazy doctor gang walked out of the third and the final class of the day. They are on the way to the main hall canteen to have late lunch, or you can call that early dinner before the moon and star competition training.

"I guess professor aunty has unique potential. Maybe that's why her 3-hour class feels like never-ending," complained Beam as he stretched himself.

"What the hell you're blabbering about?" questioned Phana as he spanked Beam's head slightly.

"Since Forth has been busy with moon and star competition together with the sotus, I was bored in my dorm. So I was watching this Thai series called The Gifted. It was awesome, Pha. The storyline was about a group of a student called gifted with special potentials. It's more like their superpower. Ohhh, it was very entertaining," explained Beam excitedly.

(Pardon me here, guys. 'The Gifted' was good, and 'The Gifted Graduation' is exciting with new twists every week. Even though it's not BL based story, but it's nice. Have you guys watch it yet?)

"I thought we have four assignments to submit by this week. Where did you get all this time to watch the series? And we didn't question you about the reason why you had to watch the series in the first place," commented Kit with an eye roll. He seriously doesn't need to know their active night routine. He could pretty much guess it.

"Ai Kitty, you were listening to me?" asked Beam as he fake surprise.

"Why couldn't I listen to you? You are right beside me, and you were shouting in excitement, you idiot," said Kit as he smacked Beam's head for calling him, Kitty.

"Ai Kit, are you okay? You look weary, na," asked Phana worriedly as he leads them to their table.

"Just got back to dorm this morning," replied Kit as he holds back a yawn.

"Where have you been? Don't tell me you got back from your hometown this week too. What is it this time?" asked Beam with an irritated tone but with a concerned look.

"We had a gathering last weekend. So, mom made me go back last Friday," answered Kit.

"Did you drive back after our late-night group discussion last Friday? Why didn't you inform us earlier? We could have change the timing for you or bring it to another day," said Beam while,

"And that wouldn't have been a trouble for us, Kitty. Why don't you just put yourself first? All you have to do was tell us," continued Phana.

"Come on, guys. I'm not that exhausted. I'm just sleepy. I'll take a nap after this," consoled Kit, but none of them seem convinced.

"No, you better hit the bed when you reach your dorm. Don't forget that I'm your neighbor. I'll make Forth knock down your damn dorm door if I saw the lights on," threatened Beam.

"You know what, you should be the mom in the gang. You nag a lot," said Kit as he just rested his head on the table while Beam and Phana take sit opposite to him.

When Beam turns around to get their order, Kit was already sleeping on the table. Poor guy must be exhausted.

"Get him his Pad Thai with Thai tea and for me," before Phana could continue, Beam already said the order.

"I'll get you your favorite Tom Yam soup with pink milk," with that, he walked away to the food stall.

Since it's Beam's turn to buy the meals, he left them both to rest while he lined up to get them food. It's their unspoken rule to take a shift to get food.

Phana stares at the sleeping kitten in front of him with his concerned eyes.


Phana's POV

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