Chap 31

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//Knock, Knock//

"Ai'Beam, did you order something online? Who's at your door?" questioned Phana doubtfully.

"No. I didn't order anything for months now," replied Beam tensed.

"Who could that be? Is the Italian Mafia get to us as well?"

"Ai'Pha, will you shut up. We are safe here,"

"Then, who is outside? They keep knocking on the door," stated Phana on defence as he was ready to fight anybody who walked past that door.

"Let me check," said Beam as he slowly approached the door.

On the count of three, he opened the door with Phana close by to attack the intruders.

"Ai'Kitty!!!" called out Beam as Phana stood in his spot, shocked.

Phana quickly opened the door wide to take a look at the intruders.

It was Kit with a girl who seemed older than them. Maybe older by few years, not more than that.

"Hi meng, I'm back," said Kit as he stood in front of both of his best friends.

As soon as Phana comes back to his sense, he launches on Kit as he hugs him tightly.

"Kitty!!!" called both Phana and Beam as they both hugged him in a big bear hug.

"I was so worried about you," stated Beam as he held Kit in his arms.

"I would have never forgiven myself if something happened to you," stated Phana as he hugged both Beam and Kit in his broad arms.

"I'm fine guys, P'San and Uncle Krist kept me safe," replied Kit as he returned the hug.

"All of us thought that we lose you due to our carelessness," added Phana dejectedly.

"It's none of your faults. Aiden was lucky enough to get me. But, I'm fine now. Don't blame yourselves," answered Kit with his dimple smile.

"We were so worried, Kitty," added Beam as he hugged both Phana and Kit together again.

"I'm back, guys and I'm good," replied Kit in the tight hug as he smiled sweetly at his best friends.

"Can we get inside first? It's better if we continue the reunion inside," stated P'San, who was watching the lovely get together in front of her.

"Oh yes. I'm sorry, P. Please come in," invited Beam as he opened the door wide to let P'San in.

"Thank you," she said as she made her entrance.

Upon taking a seat on the bed and the sofa, Phana hugged Kit once again. Phana is not someone who shows skinship or portrays his emotion in the open. Yet, here he is hugging Kit like his life depends on it and crying his eyes out.

"I'm so sorry, Ai'Kitty. I couldn't protect you," he stated as tears kept coming out of his eyes.

"What are you talking about, Pha~. It's not your fault, na," replied Kit calmly as he patted his back in circles.

"I was the leader of our Crazy-Doc-Gang, and I failed to keep you safe," Phana blamed himself again.

"Don't blame yourself, Phana. You didn't know. Nobody knows anything, and it happened so fast. Stop condemning yourself," consoled Kit softly.


"Oh shut up, Pha. Are you trying to make him feel guilty as well? I'm not up to babysit both of you, alright?" scolded Beam as he slapped Phana's head lightly.

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