Chap 19

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They left the university campus in the first sunlight the next day. Kit and Beam joined Phana in his car. Ming and his gang follow them in the bus the engineering hazers prepared.

If there were the exception, then we all knew which transport Ming would choose. Throughout the journey to the beach, Ming was thinking of multiple methods to tame the fierce kitten.


"This fucker!!!!!," cursed Kit as he changed his Facebook status again. Ming has tagged Kit as 'in a relationship with Mingkawan' for ample time.

Kit was so frustrated that he was ready to throw his phone out through the car window.

"Oi meng, you can't just throw your phone away like that. It's an iPhone wae," Beam stopped him.

"That's right, Kit. Think about the tutoring you have to handle to purchase this," added Phana from the driver's seat.

"I don't know what to do with him. He is so persistent," complained Kit, annoyed.

"Ai Kit, P'San is....," started Phana hesitantly.

"Pha, how do you know that name?" questioned Kit, alarmed.

"Nong Yo told me. P'San was Ming's elder sister. She passed away last year. She was like a mother figure for Ming," explained Phana carefully.

"That doesn't change the fact that he used me as a replacement," said Kit as he looks out the window.

"Ai Kitty, don't you want to give the nong another chance?" inquired Beam dubiously as well.

"I-I don't want to hope for anything anymore," answered Kit.

"From the conversation I had with him yesterday, Nong Ming seems serious this time," stated Phana.

"I don't want to waste my time with false hopes or a lame crush, Pha. I should avoid Ming now than getting myself hurt again," Kit answered.

"I feel like you should give him another chance, meng," stated Beam.

"Today is the gear-giving ceremony. You guys could see it by yourself. Today Ming will get many proposals and, he will forget about courting me in minutes," replied Kit even before Phana could say anything to support Beam's point.

"Anyway, how did aunty allow you to join us during the weekend?" asked Beam to change the tense atmosphere in the car.

"I asked her and, she allowed," replied Kit shortly.

"Just like that? How come?" asked Phana doubtfully.

"Maybe I sounded desperate and, she pitied me," answered Kit as he continued to look outside the car window again.

The best friends couldn't make him change his mind despite trying to give multiple scenarios.

Kit stands firm in his point of view and, they couldn't make him agree to give Ming another chance.

Soon they reach the hotel they're going to stay for the night.


Upon reaching the hotel, Beam runoff to find his hubby. While Phana and Kit check in to their shared room. Forth has already made arrangements to spend the room with Beam.

Ming tried begging the former faculty moon and the campus moon to let him share the room with his precious P'Kit Kat, but nothing happened as he wished.

The hazers ordered the freshmen to fresh-up and met them by the shores in half an hour. They have to follow the ritual and do the blood bath together. All the freshmen will run into the sea together and swim together in the ocean to increase their bond. They hope that the broad ocean will bring them together even if they are miles apart.

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